Let's talk about permanent first. Ovarian cyst pain relief can be accomplished in several ways. But, only one is permanent: Natural or Homeopathic Treatment.
Surgery is commonly suggested by doctors. If the cyst is cancerous (they rarely are) or has burst or twisted the fallopian tube, surgery is certainly a strong consideration. But, to use surgery in the hope of a permanent cure for a cyst that is common and uncomplicated, is unwise as it can only treat the current cyst and symptoms - not the root cause which means the cyst will most likely reoccur.
So surgery is not a permanent cure. Neither are hormone drugs; another common MD suggestion. You have a cyst because your hormones are out of step somehow. Hormone drugs are designed to be in charge of your ovaries by blocking ovulation until certain times. Doesn't seem very natural to me. Seems like it is screwing things up even more. How can that be good?
Birth control pills will very likely keep cysts from reoccurring if you keep taking them. Do you want to do that? For years? Do you know that a side effect of birth control pills is PMS? Not a very good idea for a permanent escape from pain and the cysts that cause it.
So, what is a permanent relief?
Getting to the root cause of the problem is the only permanent relief from ovarian cyst pain. The good news is this can be done rather easily with natural ovarian cyst treatments.
There are three major contributors causing ovarian cysts: diet, toxins, and stress. A good natural treatment plan should teach you about all three, how they affect your body and what to do about them. There should be nothing radical about natural treatments.
Now - quick relief from ovarian cyst pain. If you follow these steps you will gain some temporary relief in a short time.
For diet: no caffeine, remember that includes chocolate and sodas (sorry!); no fried foods, and as little dairy as possible. Try to eat fresh and organic as much as you can.
For toxins: no bug sprays, in the house or outside. And this includes Deet. Cleaning products, fertilizer. This is a long list, and your nose will tell you most of what is on it!
For stress: learn deep breathing, learn to slow down and have a cup of chamomile tea, or other if you prefer as long as it is soothing; lie down and put a heating pad on your tummy, it will ease the pain and help you relax.
Tip: trade your tight jeans for your sweats for a while. Pressure on the abdomen contributes to the pain.
These won't bring immediate relief from ovarian cyst pain, but, they will help.
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