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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Protect Your Family by Avoiding Deet Products

By now you may have heard the news - Deet is not as safe as everyone once believed. In fact, Deet can cause some harsh medical consequences. The best protection against unintended side effects is knowledge. So we have put together this brief article to inform you about the dangers of products containing Deet. After you have finished, you will be armed with the knowledge to make the right decision for your family.

Deet has become well-known as an insect repellent. It is not so widely-known that Deet can cause serious side effects. Irritability, confusion, and even insomnia have been connected with prolonged or repeated use. If you or your family members have sensitive skin, a serious rash may develop as a result of using Deet products. Not to mention that Deet is flammable - that means you need to be extra cautious if you apply Deet products near a campfire.

Adults have a higher tolerance for Deet products than children do. What does this mean for you? While insect repellents containing Deet may be moderately safe for you, they may be significantly less safe for your children. Please exercise caution if you choose to use Deet on or around your kids. If possible, dilute the product with water so the concentration is lower. This method can help prevent serious rashes from developing.

Deet should never be applied near the hands, eyes, or mouth. This seems obvious, but what about indirect contact with these areas? Children are extremely likely to put their hands in their mouth, effectively transferring the Deet directly into their system! Take care to prevent this from happening to your children. Even adults may use repellents on their hands, and then inadvertently rub their eyes. Deet can cause serious stinging if it gets into the eyes, and should be washed out with water immediately.

Take care of your family by exercising caution with any product containing Deet. Whenever possible, substitute a more natural product to solve your insect problems.

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