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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Insidermedicine in 60 - May 27, 2008

From Atlanta - Avian flu viruses of the H7 subtype have adapted, at least partially, to more easily invade the human respiratory tract. Scientists examining cases of human infection found that the H7N2 type bound more easily to receptors in the lining of the human respiratory tract, and decreased binding to the receptor cells in birds. While symptoms of H7 viruses have typically been mild, scientists continue to urge the development of vaccines for this subtype. From Orlando - Men aged 75 to 80 with PSA levels lower than 3 ng/mL can safely discontinue routine prostate cancer screening. In a study of over 800 patients, researchers found that those who died of prostate cancer or had high-risk disease had PSA values exceeding 3 ng/mL. Meanwhile, none of those who were cancer free or had low-risk prostate cancer had PSA levels exceeding this value. And finally, from Gainesville - A new generation of mosquito repellents appear to be more effective than DEET, the chemical long considered the gold standard of repellents. Researchers studied a class of chemicals called N-acylpiperidines, which are related to the active ingredient in pepper, and found that some were effective for up to 73 days. DEET, which is presently available in liquids, lotions and sprays, only lasts 17.5 days on average. For Insidermedicine in 60, I'm Dr. Susan Sharma.



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