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Saturday, July 17, 2010

How to Get Rid of Gophers - Lawn Pests

Gopher is a kind of lawn pest that can cause a great deal of damage to your lawn, if not treated properly. Such pests normally attack lawn with moist soil since this enables them to easily dig, tunnel, and eat the plantation grown in the garden. If you are looking out for an answer to how to get rid of gophers, then the first step is to learn about its shape and size so that you can easily distinguish it from other similar pests. The gophers mound is generally seen with a 'fan shape' like structure. Pocket gopher is one of the most commonly found gopher types in the lawn area.

Gopher Control Tricks

People look out for various gopher control tricks to make their lawn gopher free. There are a number of measures recommended that usually result in its complete elimination. Some of these include-

· One of the most opted solutions is to go for gopher trapping. For this, you need gopher traps and locate them in the tunnel of an active gopher mound. Also cover this area with a black plastic.
· Another effective trick is to fill the gopher's tunnel with carbon monoxide through your vehicle's gas/exhaust.
· You can also go for a garden hose and fill the tunnel with water. In such situation, the gophers may end up drowning or sometimes pop out of the water to rescue from drowning. Such gophers can be killed by using a shovel.
· The gophers can also be get rid of by using poison substances like strychnine. But while using it, you need to be extra conscious to keep it out of the reach of children. Also make sure to wash hands properly after you use it.
· People also opt to plant gopher surge, which is hugely disliked by gophers.
· You can also release predators like domestic cats, wild gopher snakes in the active gopher mounds.
· One of the other ways to get rid of gophers is to place a fence covering your garden area. For this, you need to dig a trench at least 2 feet deep, along with a 1-½" galvanized chicken wire or hardware cloth.
· The most expensive option is to hire a professional. Such professionals use aluminum phosphide, which produces highly acute phosphine gas by reacting with air moisture and soil. Now days, many exterminating companies also offer guarantees thus making this option one of the most reliable one.

Factors to be Considered

When you look out for an answer to how to get rid of gophers, one must collect information about the factors that could affect the results. These factors play a major role in adopting the best possible way out that could help in complete gopher removal from the lawn. Such factors include-

· The health and safety concerns, especially for children and pets.
· The main aim is to kill gophers or just to repel them.
· The size of the lawn area and the type of plantation done.
· The conditions of the nearby areas and gardens.

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Crittergetter said...

Your readers also may be interested in the products found at CrittergetterOnline.Com which have been proven (both through customer feedback and testing performed by the University of Nebraska) to be 90% effective for gopher control. The Crittergetter uses a proactive rather than reactive abatement technique that folks have employed successfully for decades.
Link to University of Nebraska report:
A new video showing the Crittergetter in action can be found at CrittergetterOnline.Com

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