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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Get Rid of Gnats Today

Do You Really Have Gnats?

The word "gnat" is used to describe a number of small, swarming, pesky creatures. These pests include non-biting fungus gnats, midges, biting flies, punkies and the always popular "no see um" insect of lore and fame. These annoying creatures relentlessly bother you with buzzing, bumping into your head, with a tenacious non-stop assault on your sanity. Gnats, however, can be controlled and repelled with a few simple remedies.

Slow Moving Gnats in Your House?

The fungus gnat and the related fruit fly are drawn to your home because it is a welcoming environment. Also known as vinegar flies, these gnats love the smell of rotten food, vinegar and overwatered plants. These gnats live for about four months and spend most of that time laying eggs for future generations of gnats. It is important to employ measures to get rid of gnats as soon as they appear in your house.

Can I Trap Indoor Gnats?

The fungus gnat can be trapped with an easily made home remedy using vinegar. Gnats and fruit flies are attracted to the smell of vinegar. Place some vinegar and sugar (dish washing detergent and vinegar also works) in a jar with a screw on cap. Punch holes in the cap like your childhood firefly jar large enough for the gnats to enter. Most gnats will not be able to get out and will drown in the vinegar. Several traps will work better than one. It's not the best smelling solution, but it is effective.

Keeping Indoor Gnats Away

Once you have made an attack on the existing swarm of gnats, you need to take steps to making your home less hospitable to them. Immediately discard of any food that has potential of being rotted, over-ripe or moldy. Check your garbage cans and the surrounding area to make sure no rotting food has accumulated in a corner. Your sink drain should also be checked thoroughly. Place any over-watered plants outside to dry out before returning them to an inside position.

Detestable Outdoor Gnats

These are the gnats that drive people crazy. These irritating, swarming, biting, annoying pests can really ruin an outdoor gathering. Other common terms for these insects are midges, biting flies, punkies and no see ums. DEET, the always outdoor companion, is an excellent way to repel them. Yes, products that contain DEET leave an unpleasant odor and a bit of a greasy feeling, but it really works very well. Citronella candles also deter gnats oo a lesser extent.

You Can Repel and Trap Gnats

You can trap and kill indoor fungus gnats and the related fruit fly with a simple homemade vinegar trap. It is important to do so before they lay their eggs. You should also eliminate any decaying and rotten food and check other areas that food may accumulate. Outdoor gnats, known by several other names, are virtually impossible to trap. The flying range of midges, biting flies and their like preclude a satisfactory trapping environment. It is best to simply repel these gnats with commercially available products containing DEET.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Moz Away mosquito repellent spray is a 100% natural made mosquito repellent spray with deet free and no side effect to adults, children and babies. Because it is natural, safe and effective, Moz Away mosquito repellent spray has becoming popular household brand in the market today.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Insect Repellents : DEET Insect Repellents

DEET insect repellent is one of the most effect methods of preventing insect bites. Learn all about DEET, including information on safety, with tips from an outdoorsman in this free insect prevention video. Expert: Steve Curtis Bio: Steve Curtis has been involved in outdoor activities his entire life and is a manager in the camping/backpacking department at Bill Jackson's Shop for Adventure in Pinellas Park, Florida. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

How to Get Rid of Gophers - Lawn Pests

Gopher is a kind of lawn pest that can cause a great deal of damage to your lawn, if not treated properly. Such pests normally attack lawn with moist soil since this enables them to easily dig, tunnel, and eat the plantation grown in the garden. If you are looking out for an answer to how to get rid of gophers, then the first step is to learn about its shape and size so that you can easily distinguish it from other similar pests. The gophers mound is generally seen with a 'fan shape' like structure. Pocket gopher is one of the most commonly found gopher types in the lawn area.

Gopher Control Tricks

People look out for various gopher control tricks to make their lawn gopher free. There are a number of measures recommended that usually result in its complete elimination. Some of these include-

· One of the most opted solutions is to go for gopher trapping. For this, you need gopher traps and locate them in the tunnel of an active gopher mound. Also cover this area with a black plastic.
· Another effective trick is to fill the gopher's tunnel with carbon monoxide through your vehicle's gas/exhaust.
· You can also go for a garden hose and fill the tunnel with water. In such situation, the gophers may end up drowning or sometimes pop out of the water to rescue from drowning. Such gophers can be killed by using a shovel.
· The gophers can also be get rid of by using poison substances like strychnine. But while using it, you need to be extra conscious to keep it out of the reach of children. Also make sure to wash hands properly after you use it.
· People also opt to plant gopher surge, which is hugely disliked by gophers.
· You can also release predators like domestic cats, wild gopher snakes in the active gopher mounds.
· One of the other ways to get rid of gophers is to place a fence covering your garden area. For this, you need to dig a trench at least 2 feet deep, along with a 1-½" galvanized chicken wire or hardware cloth.
· The most expensive option is to hire a professional. Such professionals use aluminum phosphide, which produces highly acute phosphine gas by reacting with air moisture and soil. Now days, many exterminating companies also offer guarantees thus making this option one of the most reliable one.

Factors to be Considered

When you look out for an answer to how to get rid of gophers, one must collect information about the factors that could affect the results. These factors play a major role in adopting the best possible way out that could help in complete gopher removal from the lawn. Such factors include-

· The health and safety concerns, especially for children and pets.
· The main aim is to kill gophers or just to repel them.
· The size of the lawn area and the type of plantation done.
· The conditions of the nearby areas and gardens.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Video Contest - Buzz Away Extreme -

This animation is tied to a Buzz Away Extreme video contest with a $1000 prize. Creative, original entries about mosquitoes wanted. No need to show product. Buzz Away is an incredibly effective, DEET and Chemical free, all natural insect repellent. Closes 6/30/10.

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Bug Off! DEET-free Herbal Insect Deterrent

Daily Grommet is so relieved to have found a DEET-free, yet effective bug spray - Bug Off.

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Lyme Disease - It Can Do More Than Just Tick You Off When You Are on Vacation

Travelers, campers, and vacationers alike can be at risk for getting Lyme disease, a serious, debilitating condition caused by being bitten by an infected tick.

What are the symptoms of Lyme disease?

Some of the symptoms of Lyme disease are the classic bull's-eye red rash, fatigue or loss of energy, feeling sleepy, tingling and numbness, swollen and painful joints, memory loss, and feeling like you are getting the flu. Paralysis of the face is a less common symptom.

Lyme disease can make your life miserable and cause you a lot of pain and suffering if it's not diagnosed and treated right away. The longer you wait before seeing a health professional allows this disease to progress quickly and it may not be possible to lessen it's effects.

How is Lyme disease spread?

Ticks bite and feed on animals such as mice, other small rodents, and deer. If any of these animals are carrying the Lyme disease bacteria, they can pass the bacteria on to the ticks. When people are bitten by an infected tick they may contract Lyme disease.

How can you reduce the chance of getting Lyme disease?

Some people do not have symptoms that show right away so prevention is always the best policy.
If you are traveling in the spring and summer months to or through areas where deer, mice, other rodents and animals live, the following are some things you can do.

If you are camping on vacation or holidays, you can limit the number of ticks around your campsite by reducing the brush and leaves debris. Wear light colored clothing so you can more easily see these very tiny black insects and remove them before they attach to your skin. Be sure you wear long-sleeved shirts and tuck them into your pants. Also tuck your pant cuffs into your socks. It is also a good idea to wear rubber boots as ticks are usually found close to the ground. However, you can also get them in your hair if you brush against leaves on a low tree branch. Wearing a light-colored, wide-brimmed hat may help. Be sure to check your skin and scalp carefully as ticks can easily be overlooked, especially in your hair. Applying a DEET containing insect repellent to your clothes and exposed skin, as well as applying the insecticide permethrin to your clothes will also help.

How can you remove ticks safely?

Ticks that have burrowed and embedded themselves under your skin can be removed with small-tipped tweezers. Make sure that you do not leave any part of the tick under your skin. Once the tick has been completely removed, disinfect the wound thoroughly with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Keep in mind that you are not totally out of the woods yet, so to speak, as the symptoms can take several days, even weeks before they show. Using tweezers is the best and safest method for removing ticks. Do not try to remove any ticks using burnt matches, petroleum jelly, or alcohol as this will cause the ticks to release more of the bacteria into your blood stream.

Please note that at the present time there is no vaccine available for Lyme disease.

According to the Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) this bacterial disease is vastly under reported, perhaps by well over 100,000 cases per year in the U.S. alone. You can go to their website at for more information on Lyme disease.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

BugBand Deet Free Insect Repellent

They buzz. They bite. From mosquitoes and horn flies to gnats and no-see-ums, insects are far more than just pesky inconveniences. Leaving yourself and your family unprotected against blood-feeding bugs simply isnt an option. Introducing the next generation of protection. BugBand® products are a proven, effective alternative to synthetic traditional pesticides, protecting children and adults from biting insects while avoiding the risks associated with irritating chemicals. BugBand is not only a safer choice, its more effective. Geraniol, the plant-based active ingredient in BugBand, is a proven repellent. BugBand insect repellent is available in several forms, including wristbands (for everyday use) and pump spray and towelettes (for heavier-duty applications), as well as a variety of commercial applications. Whether youre gardening, playing in the backyard, picnicking, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, golfing, or working outdoors including everyone from police and fire personnel to road, utility and lawn-care crews, to employees at refining plants BugBands pleasant-scented Geraniol insect repellent vapors create an invisible shield that protects you from pests.

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