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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

When bed bugs start to infest your home, your main concern is to get rid of them immediately. This is because you do not want everybody in the household to get affected by the bite. Once you get infested, you will feel the itch and the discomfort. Of course, not to forget that bugs may cause you those dreaded sleepless nights.

Getting rid of these insects is a conscious effort between you and professional service providers of your choice. It starts when you stop it from spreading. Do not wait until such time that these non-winged insects will proliferate in your homes. Better be aware of what you may do about it.

Your role in getting rid of bed bugs

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to check on your homes and the insects that prey on it. Aside from termites causing severe damages to your walls and floors, bugs should also be killed before they spread. In this regard, you should take note of the following:

Infestation check.  Once you suspect that you have bug bites, you have to determine where it started. It is best for you to check your bed's mattress.  Any holes or crack in the walls should be checked as well.

Washing your sheets is important. Once you have seen bugs in your mattress, then you have to remove your sheets - including your pillowcases - and have them washed.  Better yet, have the pillows and mattresses sent off for dry cleaning.  

Clean the room.  Vacuuming will help get rid of these insects in your room. You should not only do this in open areas. You should pay more attention to spaces where these bugs may possibly hide. Although, bed bugs may possibly thrive even in a clean environment, this should not be a reason for you not to get rid of your home's clutter.

Getting help from professionals to free your home from bed bugs

The above-mentioned steps are things you may do on your own.However, the mere thought that bugs have already been affecting your residence should lead you to have your house treated. There are recommended products that are already out in the market. If you have any doubts or questions on how to use them, then feel free to hire an exterminator instead. With a professional, you are sure to get an advice on whether or not your mattress needs replacement.

These are but a few of the tips to consider if you want to get rid of bugs.You do not have to do things on your own because there is someone out there who is willing to help you with your plight. Getting rid of bed bugs should be done with much precaution if you want to make sure that the rest of the household will not feel the itch of the infestation. Do your thing as your hired professionals will do their own share of the load.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Getting Rid of Fleas: Step By Step

Fleas have been bothering people and their pets since the beginning of time. Although not terribly dangerous many animals and people are allergic to their bites, making flea infestations miserable. Here's how to get rid of them.

Allergic Reactions to Flea Bites:

Fleas inject saliva to stop coagulation when they bite. It's this salvia that causes allergic reactions in animals and people. Humans react with dermatitis, skin lesions and mild to severe itching. Try applying ice, menthol, camphor or calamine lotion to your flea bites. Insect repellents that containing thyltoluamide (DEET) will repel fleas and lessen the frequency of bites; use these repellents only on your clothing but never on skin or pets. If you are having serious allergies, a doctor can prescribe you something to help while you get the infestation under control.

There are many dogs and cats that are allergic to fleas and will chew themselves raw. With the advent of so many great flea medicines for animals there is really no need for them to suffer anymore. If your pets have been bitten recently however, your vet can prescribe medication to soothe the itching.

Removing Fleas From People and Pets:

If your pet becomes infested with fleas there are some products that your vet can prescribe. Capstar is a pill that kills all the fleas on your dog or cat within an hour. Frontline, Advantage and other topical medications can also kill the fleas on your pet within hours. When Frontline and Advantage is used monthly it will keep the fleas off of your pets permanently. Treat your poor infested friend for fleas first and then focus on the environment to put a stop to further infestation.

Fleas generally don't like to live on people, but they will visit you long enough for a quick bite. If you've been exposed to an infestation, wash your clothes in hot water with detergent and jump into the shower yourself. The fleas will drown in the soapy water. The next important thing is to remove them from the environment.

Removing Fleas From The Environment:

Fleas end their lives living on a host animal, but your pets are not actually the source of your flea infestation. Your home is. Fleas begin their life as eggs which are laid on the host, but fall off everywhere. The eggs then hatch into larvae that feed off of skin flakes and the dried-blood droppings of adults. Eggs can lay dormant for as long as a year. Killing the fleas is the first step. Getting rid of larvae and eggs is the next critical part of eliminating fleas. Here are the best methods.

Collect anything that cannot be vacuumed and throw it the washer on the hottest setting with laundry detergent. This will kill eggs and larvae. Then vacuum everything. Use the vacuum attachments and get all the corners, crevices and upholstery. Be as thorough as possible. This will get rid of most of the fleas. After vacuuming, remove the vacuum bag, sprinkle flea powder inside, seal it in a plastic bag and throw it in the trash outside. You may also want to have your carpet steam cleaned by a professional to get rid of any eggs or larvae that may be hanging on to your carpets fibers.

Once you get everything mostly flea-free, the best defense against them is to not allow them to remake your home into a stronghold. If you keep your pet on flea medication your house will most likely remain flea-free, but here are some recommended preventative habits to be safe:

Vacuum frequently to keep larvae and eggs from gathering in your carpet.
Wash you pets bedding frequently
Keep you pet current on its flea medication

The above method should keep everything under control. When the remaining larvae hatch, they are likely to jump on your dog and be killed by the medications. If you are still having trouble in your home steam clean or shampoo the carpets in your home as frequently as is needed. If this still isn't enough, it's time to call a professional or speak with your veterinarian who may have some great suggestions!

Popular Flea Control Products:

Talk to your vet when deciding on treatments for your animals and environment. Follow the directions carefully and never give medication that's for a dog to a cat or vice versa. Also keep all medications and flea poisons out of the reach of pets and children.

Sorptive dusts kill fleas by dehydrating them; they absorb their moisture and damage their bodies. These dusts can be applied to carpets before vacuuming when you have an infestation of adults in your carpet.

Pyrethrins is derived from the chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium flower and is one of the least toxic flea control products available. They can be good for environmental control.

Flea collars work by constantly emitting poisonous vapors that kill any fleas on the animals. They work, but not nearly as well as the topical treatments or oral treatments that are available today.

Sprays and powders are not really worth the time and money when there are so many easier and moderately inexpensive methods for killing fleas. Flea dips can be a good choice for larger dogs that are expensive to treat with medications. Again, talk to your vet.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

How to Eliminate Cockroaches From Your Home

Cockroaches survive in dirty humid areas and are commonly found in apartments and dorms. Hiring an expert exterminator is often a good option, but there are steps you can take into your own hands for household pest control. Household bug control might be very difficult when it comes to killing cockroaches, therefore preventative methods ought to be taken before they infest your home.

Follow the common sense methods below for pest control management to avoid an infestation of roaches.

Keep Trashcans, Drains and Counters Clean

Roaches always like to hide in the daytime, and make their appearance during the night time. Frequently spotted in the kitchen, they are attracted to food left out on the kitchen counter, trash receptacles, sinks as well as old filth. Make it a priority to keep all of these places be very clean.

Put Remaining Meals Away to Avoid Cockroach Infestation

Place uneaten meals inside the refrigerator, cabinets or inside the garbage. Dump any waste and clear your kitchen sink of filthy dishes regularly. Run the kitchen sink garbage disposal frequently to remove food residue.

Sprinkling the kitchen sink and the garbage disposal with baking soda gets rid of lingering smells which often appeal to roaches. You can ask the pest exterminators to spray outdoor garbage receptacles during pest elimination visits. In between pest elimination visits, employ organic pest control treatments.

Seal Places that Cockroaches can Enter for Household Pest Control

Roaches frequently come in through places wherever there is moisture, have an exterminator or possibly a handy person investigate regions in the home around all drains, dish washers, toilets, tubs as well as run offs from gutters for access points. Close off all possible areas where a cockroach might be able to enter.

If you do have a pest management company come to your home, request for them to use chemicals outdoors that are not harmful to animals or kids.

In case you are residing in an apartment or dorm, it can be very difficult to permanently get rid of cockroaches mainly because you would need to have confidence in other people's living habits. It is very possible to reduce the occurrence of these annoying pests and keep your apartment or dorm free from roaches. You just have to be persistent in keeping things clean and regularly make use of the above mentioned tips.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pictures Of Termite Damage - Best Way To Educate Yourself On Termites

Pictures On The Web Of Termite Damage

If you have a suspicion that your home has a problem with termites, it would help you to have pictures of termite damage so that you can look for this in your own home. By comparing the pictures to what you see in your home, you will be able to assess your problem and take the necessary steps to eliminate it.

The damage caused by termites to the wood in the structure of your home can be overwhelming. In fact, they can gnaw at the very foundation of the home causing it to weaken and make it unsafe to inhabit. It will also cost an enormous amount of money to repair the damage. You can look for pictures of Termite damage on the Web and the details will be devastating.

Another disconcerting thought is that the pictures that you see on Termite damage can take place in your own home and you are probably totally unaware of it. Any wood structure can be damaged totally by termites - you should be aware that it is not a single termite but hundreds of them known as worker termites - they gnaw through the wood and feed the colony.

Advantages Of Termite Pictures

The pictures that you see on the Web of the damage done by termites and the destruction that they cause can help you to compare them to your own home if you suspect that there is a termite problem that you have to deal with. There is a trail left by these insects when they are attacking a certain area. Looking at the pictures of the devastation caused by termite damage, you can pin it down to your own home. Once this is done, you can call in the experts who will assess the situation and advise you on how to eliminate them.

The pictures that you see on the Web will show you the extent of the damage that these small creatures can create - by destroying the very foundation of your home, you will find that it is extremely unsafe to live in if the problem is not dealt with and allowed to spread. The scary fact is that unless you actually see the pictures and the damage that they cause, you may be blissfully unaware of what is going on in your house. The longer it is neglected the more dangerous it is for you to live there. It is absolutely essential that you view these pictures and educate yourself as to what to look for - once it is established that you have termite infestation, you can consult a professional and take their advice on how to handle the situation and be termite free.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

It Is Tick Time In Texas

The woods and fields in Houston, Dallas and the rest of Texas are beautiful this time of year. But they also harbor a hidden danger -- ticks. Ticks are part of the spider family, with more than 800 species around the world. The three species mentioned here are found in Texas and surrounding states.

Ticks are one of the leading carriers of diseases to humans in the United States, second only to mosquitoes, globally. And like mosquitoes, it's not the bite but the toxins or organisms in the tick's saliva, transmitted through the bite, that causes disease. Ticks are responsible for carrying such diseases as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, babesiosis (Texas fever), ehrlichiosis, and tularemia (also transmitted via rabbits), Colorado tick fever and Powassan (a form of encephalitis).

Lone Star Tick is found primarily in the southern and south central U.S. It is a reddish-brown species and the common hosts include a wide variety of mammals, including humans and ground-feeding birds. The adult female has a distinctive white spot on her back. The male has a white marking around the outside of its back. This species can transmit ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia.

American Dog Tick is found east of the Rocky Mountains, occurs on the Pacific Coast and occasionally in Texas. The dog is the preferred host of the adult tick, although it feeds on many large mammals, including man. The males and females have pale whitish or yellowish markings on the dorsal shield. Males may be only 1/8 inch long, while engorged females may be as much as 1⁄2 inch in length. This species is known to transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia.

Deer Tick, or Black-Legged Tick, is found in the eastern half of the US. Common hosts include deer, livestock and dogs. This species loves to feed on humans in the northeastern US and only occasionally in Texas. The males and females are dark brown in color and have no white markings. Males may be only 1/8 inch long, while engorged females may be as much as 1⁄2 inch in length. This tick species is known to transmit Lyme disease and babesiosis.

In addition to the various diseases you can contract, ticks can cause tick paralysis, a condition which occurs when neurotoxins in the tick saliva induce paralysis of the body and, in extreme cases, can stop you from breathing.

Deer, Lone Star and American Dog ticks fall into the category of hard ticks, which have a tough back plate and have a tendency to attach and feed for hours, even days. Disease transmission usually occurs near the end of a meal, as the tick gorges on your blood.

A tick secretes "cementum" to firmly anchor its head to the host. It may also regurgitate tiny amounts of saliva that contain neurotoxins, which prevent the host from feeling the pain and irritation of the bite. So you may never notice the tick feeding on you.

Tick bites are generally painless. You may not even notice the bite and you may never find the tick, if it falls off. If you've been bitten, you may notice local redness, itching, and burning -- and, occasionally, localized intense pain.

With Deer ticks, you may notice a redness that spreads and eventually becomes clear in the center, forming a ring. This is a good indicator of the beginning of Lyme disease. If any tick has been on you for more that 24 hours, there's a good chance it may have passed something along. Fewer than 24 hours, the probability of passing something on is closer to zero. Regardless of when you've been bitten, you should see a medical professional as soon as you discover the bite.

If you develop any of the following symptoms, a tick may have bitten you:

o Feel as if you have the flu

o Fever

o Numbness

o Rash

o Confusion

o Weakness

o Pain and swelling in joints

o Palpitations

o Shortness of breath

o Nausea and vomiting

How can Texans avoid these little bloodsuckers? Stay out of grassy areas and shrubs during the months of May through September, when ticks may be lying in wait. Wear light-colored clothing so you can spot ticks easily and brush them off. Don't wear shorts or walk in bare feet in these areas. When you wear pants, tuck your cuffs into your boots or socks. You can also apply insect repellant, specifically the brands designed to repel ticks. Avoid use of DEET-containing repellants on children. You may apply some repellants directly to your skin and others to clothing. And finally, if you've visited a wooded or grassy area, promptly check yourself, others and pets for tick infestation.

It's important to take care of yourself, especially when you are outdoors. Ignoring the threat of ticks can certainly affect your health, both in the short and long term. Eventually, it will also affect your wallet as well. If you're a young individual who likes to maintain a healthy condition, you should take a look at the revolutionary, comprehensive and highly affordable individual health insurance solutions created by Precedent specifically for you. For more information, visit us at our website, []. We offer a unique and innovative suite of individual health insurance solutions, including highly competitive HSA-qualified plans and an unparalleled “real-time” application and acceptance experience.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Magnificent Malawi Travel

Often billed as 'the warm heart of Africa', Malawi offers something for all visitors.
One of the most beautiful and laid-back countries in Africa, Malawi is renowned for being a destination for those seeking adventure, leisure or eco-tourism attractions.
Malawi's scenery is gorgeous and varied and Malawians tend to be extremely friendly toward travellers. Nature lovers will adore the national parks and game reserves, mountain hiking and plateau trekking.

Top tips for Malawi Travel

Travel in Malawi

Malawi's road network is reasonably well established, with most major routes tarred. Bus transport is a viable option, with express and luxury coach options available and boat trips are a fond favourite.
For those seeking a more comprehensive African adventure, there are a number of overland tour operators running trips that span various countries, allowing travellers an opportunity to really experience the spirit of Africa and enjoy a variety of experiences.

Social Conventions -

With a large and diverse range of tribal backgrounds among the people of Malawi, it's understandable that many travellers are concerned about matters of accepted behaviour and convention. Fortunately for visitors to this African paradise, Malawian society is well integrated and visitors need not worry too much about social differences.

Greeting Conventions -

Malawians are "hand-shake people". They generally place some importance on the shaking of hands when meeting and greeting. Among some parts of society men practice a special handshake, involving the grasping of the thumb and placing the left hand on the forearm - foreigners should probably not be trying to do this, but if you're there and you see it, you'll know what it's about. Also, women and children might curtsey as a greeting or as a sign of gratitude.

Dress -

Generally, Malawians tend to the side of the conventional in their dress. It's advisable to dress modestly but of course in such a relaxed society there are no hard and fast rules and it's probably better just to dress appropriately for your intended activity; a day at the beach calls for beachwear and a safari trip requires long sleeves and trousers.

Climate and weather

Winter, the dry season, is the best time to visit, and lasts from May to October. June and July are the coldest months with a very comfortable average daytime temperatures 21ºC. The dry season also offers excellent game viewing and hiking opportunities.

The warm, humid rainy season, from November to April, brings hotter temperatures of around the mid-30 ºC range. Rainfall is concentrated on the higher plateaus and some roads become impassable after very heavy rains.


The Malawi Kwacha is the locally used currency. It is freely convertible at a rate of around 137 Kwacha to the US dollar. US dollars are also readily accepted, particularly for larger purchases.

It's also worth noting that the neighbouring Zambia's currency, also called Kwacha, is worth a fraction of the Malawi Kwacha, so travellers need to watch out.

Credit cards are accepted to some extent, but then only the major brands like Visa and MasterCard and then only by the larger hotels or businesses geared specifically towards tourists. In general, it's safer to assume that your card will not be readily accepted.

Traveller's cheques too are not always easily exchanged. Some of the banks, Forex Bureaus and in top-end hotels may do so, but US currency in cash is probably a better option.

Health Precautions

Malawi is a Malaria-risk area. To minimise the risk of mosquito bites, wear light, long sleeved clothing and use an effective insect repellent (those containing Diethyltoluamide DEET work well) on exposed skin.
Sleep under treated mosquito netting or ensure that the doors and windows of your accommodation are screened against mosquitoes. Having a fan or air-conditioner on at night will also curb mosquito activity to some extent.
Currently, the three most effective anti-malaria medications are Mefloquine (Lariam or Mefliam), Doxycycline and Malarone (Malanil). Certain medications may cause side-effects and need to be taken some time before you are exposed to the risk, so consult you doctor or travel health centre well before you intend to depart.

Must-see sights of Malawi

Lilongwe - This, the Malawian capital, is renowned for the Old Town, home to market stalls, quaint cafés and restaurants and the New City, which houses embass offices and shops.

Blantyre - Blantyre, located in the southern part of Malawi, is considered the centre of commerce and industry in the country. Of interest for beer lovers, it is home to the Carlsberg brewery and has a range of restaurants andommodation options.

Lake Malawi - probably the most famous of Malawi's tourist attractions, Lake Malawi is also know as also known as Lake Nyassa and 'Livingstone's Lake' (after famous explorer David Livingstone). It is the most southerly lake in the Great African Rift Valley.
The lake, about 560 km long and with a total area of nearly 30 000km², is bordered by Mozambique, Malawi, and Tanzania and is a source of territorial dispute between Malawi and Tanzania.
Lake Malawi is home to a greater variety of indigenous species of fish than any other lake in the world, making it very popular among scuba divers and snorkellers.
Its peaceful blue waters and stunning golden beaches make for great retreats for those seeking a bit of rest and relaxation. Water sports like kayaking; canoeing, windsailing and water skiing are available for those seeking a more active source of fun.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Benefits of Electronic Fly Killers

If you are in business, or own a house, and have a need to control flies, then the benefits of electronic fly killers may help you decide if one of these would be suitable for your fly problems. Electronic fly killers are used in many locations and are made for different applications. They are designed to kill flies quickly and efficiently. They usually have a large tray which catches the dead insects. The better types are almost maintenance free and have a fairly low running cost.

For those with commercial premises which are usually shops and small buildings, these devices are suitable for putting in areas where there tends to be a fly build up. These can be places such as the main area where customers may come in, where doors are either open or tend to be opened and shut fairly often, or warehouses where the main entrance is often open for long periods during the day.

They can also be used in hallways, corridors and garbage collection areas. There are many businesses and shops which could use this type of equipment. These types of electronic fly killers are suitable for food production and preparation areas, such as butcher shops, delicatessen, fresh fruit and vegetable shops, takeaway places, restaurants, especially in the kitchens, but also in the customer eating areas. Smaller cafes, food manufacturers, factories which do food processing and packaging, plus other places like these can benefit from one of these killers.

Because these are all food production type businesses there is a requirement for these premises to have an insect killer which does not shatter the insects around the room spreading bacteria or viruses and other debris into food areas.

Other uses areas where the electronic fly killing equipment could be used are abattoirs / meat processing rooms and the rest of the plant, such as the killing and boning room. They are also used on dairy farms in the milk rooms and other places, especially if milk is processed on site and not picked up by a tanker. Piggeries, calf rearing facilities, goat dairies and many other similar applications can also use these to stop flies.

These types of fly killers are made with a unique system which helps to minimise the shattering of flies and other insects. They all use the ultra violet light to attract the insects, and are fitted with trays to catch the dead remains. Most of these products have shatter proof tubes and lamps to reduces the effects of glass breakage, and can be wall or ceiling mounted.

The way they work is by electrocuting the insect, which eliminates the use of chemicals or sprays and which are used by many other fly trapping methods. They are sometimes called "bug zappers" due to the sound which is made when an insect is killed.

For those that have large production premises, businesses, shops or even a house which would benefit from an electronic fly killer, a search on the internet for these types of companies will give you an idea of the number of businesses which deal in these products. A call, or an email, should get you in contact with someone who may be able to help you with an electronic fly killer.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

How to Repel Chiggers Today

Many today are thinking it is time to start thinking about repelling chiggers and ticks. The first best rule of repelling chiggers is to avoid them. Now, avoiding does not necessarily mix with repelling, but truth be told, wouldn't you much rather avoid than to repel?

But, if you insist in going where chiggers thrive, repelling is the next best rule. So just how can you repel something you cannot even see? The art of war says to know your enemy. So, what do we know about this enemy known as chigger?

We know the chigger larva:
Measures about 120th of an inch in size
Like thick darker wooded areas with dense leaves, bushes, dead-decaying wood and bark and tall grass.
Larva is the active ingredient in chigger bites.
Chiggers like warm, moist snug places to bite.
Chiggers are not blood suckers.
Chiggers do not bore into the skin.
Chiggers are lazy.
Chiggers travel fast or relatively so.
Female chiggers like men.
Male chiggers like women.

Now that it is known what chiggers like it is possible to gear up to do battle with an appropriate chigger treatment plan.

Since chiggers are so small they can penetrate almost any fabric or opening. They also like warm and most and tight areas best. (The like to get close to their meal.)  They are lazy.

Therefore it suggested loose fitting, light colored clothing be chosen with the pants legs tucked into the boots (taller is better), long sleeve shirts of a rather tight weave. Since chiggers are lazy they will look for an opening to breach first. Once inside they will look for a nice warm tight place to order dinner.

Male chiggers seem to prefer the under arms and under the breasts of their female hosts. While the female chigger prefers the groin, stomach and legs of their male hosts. This does not always hold true as there are some mixed up chiggers.

Sulfur available from the drug store, knows as flowers of sulfur, can be applied around all clothing openings and up and down the legs.

DEET is also an affective repellents, however the chemicals can cause serious brain damage if applied directly to the skin. Use only on clothing and please, never on little children. There are several essential oils available for repelling chiggers.

Because chiggers do not bore in but bite we know they can be easily knocked off.  So do a brush off every few minutes to knock anything off that has not yet gotten through your first and second layer of defenses.

Do not travel in those areas known be inhabited by chiggers. Since chiggers are lazy they will not chase you down, but they will drop on you if you get close to where they are hanging out. Usually on the tips of very tall grass.

Now go have a great chigger free summer.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Insect Defend Patch 30 second Commercial

Hi, I'm Italo Labignan, host of the Canadian Sportfishing Televison Series. I've fished all over the world in some of the most mosquito infested waters imaginable. Recently I've discovered a great new way to fight the enemy. It's called the Insect Defend Patch and it's made with vitamin B1. It's DEET free, easy to use and very affective! I use the Insect Defend Patch to protect me and my family. Pick some up today!

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Attic Animals and Their Antics!

I guess it's pretty safe to say that not many people like critters rustling about in their attics and ceilings while they're trying to get some shuteye, am I right? In fact, it can be nothing short of enraging when you're trying to sleep but all you can hear is that incessant gnawing! Gadz!

There are several species out of which one or more are most likely the culprit/s. Of course, your geographic location can change the list of suspects somewhat, but in any case, there are a few universally key figures in the "attic migration" business. I'll attempt to name these:

Field mice

This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but it may give you an idea of what you're up against. There may very likely be an animal that's not on the list but that's native to your particular area, and just so happens to be very prevalent. It may help to do a bit of research on this. You should know that even a small animal's foot steps can seem very loud depending on the structure of your house. Thin ceilings that are made out of only a sheet of paneling or some sheetrock can amplify the foot steps significantly and make it sound like a larger animal.

There happen to be a lot a' field mice right around where I live, and I can hear them every now and then above my ceiling as well. These mice are only as big as my thumb but in the dead of the night they can sound like a herd a' antelope! So don't freak out too much thinking you have a wolverine in your attic, as it's most likely just a raccoon or even a tiny field mouse. But it is wise to find out what you have up there and deal with it appropriately. Who knows, you just might have that colony of beavers living right out of your attic! Animals present a wide array of potential dangers and damages to your home including gnawing away at your structural posts as well as electrical wiring! Wow, that changes things doesn't it? I mean, the rascally rodent probably zapped his naughty arse to kingdom come but if your house burns down because of it, it won't be so funny then!

Not to mention the gnawing of your structural beams and pillars can over time, pose a reasonable threat to the integrity of your building as well. Another annoying trick these animals have up their sleeves is staining your ceiling tiles with their excrement. Being that they are in essence living right on the other side of your ceiling, any waste matter, liquid or otherwise, will follow the course of gravity. This often results in an extremely repugnant stain on the underside of your ceiling.

Various diseases these animals are known to carry pose another significant threat. Rabies, mange, and salmonella are just a few of the nasty diseases these animals carry. Do not get within biting range of these animals without protection, and if in doubt as to how to handle these creatures, get professional assistance!

In conclusion, you should attempt to locate the entrance points that the animals are using to access your lovely home, and seal them. Animals aren't exactly the smoothest of criminals and will blatantly leave "evidence" such as hair, droppings, foot prints, skins, bones, nest-building material, etc, and you can use these bits of information to identify the animal and locate their points of entrance.

You may very well have to seal up multiple holes so don't assume your job's finished after the first one. Places like under the roof eaves and cracked or broken crawl-space vents, as well as any vents in general, are all prime entrance points for critters! Once you locate the entrance points, stake them out with a pair of binoculars for the money shot. Depending on what you have on your hands, you may want to call for professional assistance. Do what you can but call for the pros if you feel you're in over your head!

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to Get Rid of Chipmunks

Having Chipmunk Problems?

They may look like tree-living squirrels with their tiny noses, puffed cheeks, and bushy tails, but chipmunks are not baby squirrels. Believe it or not, the two are different but related animals. Chipmunks are ground squirrels; they are the burrowing cousins of the larger tree-climbing species. This, of course, explains the pockmarked look of your garden lot. These furry critters dig and build their homes and shelters underground. This is what sets them apart from their tree-loving relatives, which spend most of their time in trees.

Aside from their choice of real estate and relative smallness, chipmunks differ from their cousins by possessing identifying stripes. Chipmunks are distinguished by two broad black stripes that run from the tops of their heads to their rounded rumps. This is the most telltale sign that the critter chewing your spring flower bulb is a chipmunk. That, and the shrill "chip chip" retort they make when you dash out at them with your newspaper in hand.
Approaches to Chipmunk Control

Before deciding on how to get rid of chipmunks, it is important to learn their habits. Chipmunks are mighty eaters. They spend their life eating, foraging, and storing food. What is the key to getting rid of chipmunks? The key is finding out what chipmunks eat. Chipmunks eat anything and everything from grass to your pizza crusts. Their main diet usually includes fungi, plants, nuts, grains, seeds, and the occasional insect. If worse comes to worst, chipmunks are also known to catch small birds and small rodents like shrews though they do not actively look for these hardy protein sources; they are content to search the ground for edible finds. Chipmunks are not born to be climbers, but they have been observed climbing roofs, poles, trees, and bird feeders to gather seeds, acorns and nuts.

Aside from food, chipmunks are also wary of very open spaces, which is not surprising since they live underground. They tend to stay within shaded areas even while looking for food. Their burrows are usually built in the shade of solid matter like a tree stump or your porch. In your bid to eradicate chipmunks, these are two weaknesses you should exploit to put an end to your chipmunk problems.

*Reader Tip* Several readers have had success with the "bucket method." Here's the original tip from Jonathan: "You can get a bucket of water and float sunflower seeds at the top. Make a ramp to get to the bucket. It's a foolproof method: the chipmunk cant get out."
Getting Rid Of Chipmunks

Now that you know their weaknesses, it's time to put your knowledge into action. As much as these furry critters wreak havoc in your garden, one can hardly think of shooting them into extinction. There are many other ways to get rid of chipmunks so be creative.

An inexpensive chipmunk control option is to keep a pet. In the urban jungle, cats can be an effective (and fuzzy) weapon against these feisty fur balls. If you're feeling adventurous, take your pick from badgers, weasels or hawks. These are the natural predators of chipmunks. They stalk their prey in the shade and the poor chipmunk won't have any idea what happened until it hits the predator's tummy.

For a less morbid option, live chipmunk traps are effective elimination tools that are sold in most hardware stores. You can get a couple of comfortable size traps and just add seeds, nuts, oats or whatever your chipmunk fancies. Secure the traps in shaded areas or wherever your enemy frequently hangs out. Patience is not even required because where there is food, chipmunks will come. Once trapped, drive to the far side of town and let the critters out. Better yet, drop them off in the nearest national park.

If these don't work, just give these fur balls a taste of their own medicine. The trick to getting these chipmunks to leave your place willingly is to limit their food supply. You don't have to strip your garden bare; just spray pepper solution or hot sauce on your plants and the places where your furry friend stays and surely, they'll move out.

Still, if these tricks don't work, your chipmunks are a hardy bunch. Just dial pest control and invest in a professional chipmunk extermination program. Now, that's a foolproof way to get rid of chipmunks.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Top 7 Ways That May Help You Avoid Insect Bites

Insect bites can ruin any summer picnic or gathering and make enjoying outdoors impossible. Red itchy bumps on skin are not the only unfortunate result of mosquito, gnat and fire ant bites, some of these insects are carriers of dangerous diseases and infections. Insect bite rash can develop as a result if you are especially sensitive to the substances that gnats and mosquitoes inject in human skin.

Take steps to protect yourself and your family from annoying flying and crawling creatures ruining your best summer days. Start planning the outdoors season many months ahead by preparing your backyard and areas around the house to make them less hospitable to uninvited insect guests. Treat your lawns with special biodegradable insect control product that will help keep red fire ants, ticks and mosquitoes at bay.

Follow this 7 Step guide to help you avoid insect bites and enjoy great time outside.

1. Inspect your yard for areas with stagnant water that are almost always the spots mosquitoes frequent the most like bird baths or fake ponds.
2. Do not use floral perfumes or lotions in the summer months, since fruity and flowery notes are very attractive to all types of insects and make you more prone to getting bitten. Try to stick to natural scentless skin and hair products and neutral colors of clothing.
3. Plant plenty of marigolds, basil, lavender and peppermint around your backyard to help you avoid insect bites because some gnats and mosquitoes find the scent of these plants unappealing.
4. Stay away from DEET containing bug sprays since they have been reported to be quite toxic if used regularly covering larger parts of the body or on children. Try using naturally based insect repellent sprays instead containing citronella, lemongrass, peppermint and vanilla oils for worry-free and effective protection against insect bites.
5. Wear protective footwear and clothing preferably in lighter colors, so any insects settling on you can be obviously seen. If you spend lots of time outdoors, try to choose long pants and light long-sleeve shirt to cover as much skin as possible to naturally protect yourself against blood-sucking invaders.
6. Burning citronella incenses at the table is, in fact, a double-protection against insect bites since mosquitoes and gnats detest the smell of citronella and smoke. Avoid serving bananas as part of your dinner course since most insects adore this sweet-smelling fruit.
7. Multiple studies reported that taking vitamin B1 supplements starting in April throughout the summer is a proven way to make you less prone to getting insect bites

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Home Mosquito Control - Turning Your Yard Into Hostile Territory For Mosquitoes

The No-Fly zone: Turning your yard into hostile territory for mosquitoes

Ready to get rid of those mosquitoes around the house? Great. But there's one thing you should know about home mosquito control right up front.

There's no silver bullet to mosquito prevention, no one product or tactic guaranteed to clear them out of your yard. And you will never be able to get them all; it's just not possible. The best you do is thin out their numbers and lessen the odds of getting bitten when you go out of the house.

To accomplish this, you'll have to use a combination of approaches. That includes ferreting out the possible mosquito breeding sites around your house, making the yard as inhospitable as you can, and attacking the adult swarms with everything from mosquito traps to mosquito spray.

It will take some time, and yes, cost you some money, as well, but when you're done, you will be able to relax outside your home, confident that you're as safe from the marauding bloodsuckers as you possibly can be.

Effective mosquito control starts with a thorough inspection of the potential battlefield, so let's head outside for a look around.

Is your yard a breeding ground for mosquitoes?

On your way out, check all the doors and windows in the house. Every window that opens should have a screen that fits tightly into place - no gaps around the edges - and is in good repair, without cuts or holes.

Same for entrances. You need a good screen door for each. When closed, the screen door should be snug against the door frame, and the screen should not have any damage that would allow mosquitoes to get inside.

Of course, they don't do any good if you raise the window screens along with the windows, or leave the screen door propped wide when the house door is open. Mosquitoes can and will come into the house any chance they get, so make sure to always keep the screens in place.

Outside, you need to look for standing water, in both the obvious places and the not-so-obvious. The folks at the Alameda County (Cal.) Mosquito Control District put it best on their website:

"The main rule when it comes to breeding grounds for mosquitoes is that they need stagnant water in order to lay their eggs. What most people don't realize is the surprising number of areas around their own house where mosquitoes can find the stagnant water they need. The main rule: If it can hold water for more than a few days, it can breed mosquitoes."

Female mosquitoes can lay their eggs in as little as an inch of water. So look for these likely places where mosquitoes can breed:

Tree holes - Some mosquitoes favor laying their eggs in hollowed-out places in trees where rainwater collects. Dealing with these can be tricky because insecticide might harm the tree, as could removing part of it. You may want to consult a landscaping expert or tree service for help.

Yard equipment - An upright wheelbarrow, an empty flowerpot, or even an abandoned shovel can hold water long enough to develop mosquito larvae. Store equipment inside, or turn it over so that rain will run off. Drill holes in the bottoms of containers that must remain outside, so they can drain.

Tarps - Any kind of plastic or nylon cover, whether it is draped over a stack of firewood or a boat, will eventually begin to sag and develop pockets where water can collect. Tighten them where you can and check them frequently.

Toys - Rain will fill toy trucks, teacup sets, or Frisbees left lying in the grass. The same for old-fashioned tire swings, which collect stagnating rainwater, or any old tire left laying in the yard. Make sure the kids pick up after themselves, and get rid of the tires.

Puddles - You may have low spots in the yard where water gathers and is slow to drain. If the water stands for more than a week at a time, you'll get mosquitoes during the warm months. Fill in the spots, install drainage pipes, or change the landscaping to keep the water away.

Rain gutters - When the gutters on your house get clogged with debris, water can back up and become stagnant. Check the gutters regularly, especially if you have heavy leaf fall. Also, keep the yard raked. Overturned leaves hold water, and mosquitoes like to breed in them.

Birdbaths and wading pools - Take a hose to the birdbath at least once a week during warm weather to keep the water from stagnating. Turn the kids' pool over and stand it up against a wall when they aren't using it. If you have a swimming pool, make sure you clean and service it regularly.

OK, you've taken care of the standing water in the yard. Now, since mosquitoes like to rest in warm, moist vegetation during the day, make sure you keep the grass cut and the bushes trimmed, and clear all the weeds out of the flower beds regularly. Water the grass and plants enough to keep them healthy, but avoid doing it so much everything stays wet.

Natural mosquito control around the home

Next, you may want to make a few additions to the yard that can help control mosquitoes organically.

You've probably heard of the citrosa, called the "mosquito plant," that's supposed to miraculously repel mosquitoes just by its presence. Unfortunately, that's not completely true. Mosquito control studies have shown that an undisturbed citrosa has very little effect on the pesky bloodsuckers.

However, the citrosa leaves do contain citronella oil, which is a mosquito repellent. And there are other plants with oils and fragrances believed to irritate mosquitoes, including citronella grass, lemon thyme, catnip and rosemary.

The trick is that you have to crush the leaves in order to release the mosquito repellents. Not terribly effective as an active measure, but it might be worth planting some around your favorite spots, so you can rub the leaves on your skin when you're outside, to help keep the mosquitoes away.

This is also a good time to think about a small decorative pond to aid in mosquito control.

If you have one already, it's a good bet mosquitoes breed in it, unless it gets a constant flow of fresh water. A natural way to treat the pond for mosquitoes is to stock it with gambusia, also known as the mosquito eating fish.

Gambusia feed on mosquito larvae, primarily wigglers at the surface. They grow to about two inches and require no care. About 35 to 100 are enough to keep a small ornamental pond relatively free of mosquitoes, according to Rutgers University entomologists.

Many local mosquito control districts will provide them for free as long as they are kept somewhere that does not connect to other water environments. Gambusia are predatory fish and have been known to feed on the young of other native species.

Meanwhile, if you don't have a pond, it could be a good idea to get one installed. Designed correctly, a small decorative pond can attract dragonflies, sometimes known as "mosquito hawks" because they feed on both mosquito larvae and adult mosquitoes.

The British Dragonfly Society recommends the pond be at least 130 square feet, but obviously, you can go much smaller. Put it somewhere protected from wind, but where it can receive direct sunlight to keep the dragonflies warm.

The pond needs to be deep at one end, at least two feet, and shallow at the other, so dragonfly larvae, called "nymphs," can dive when threatened by predators and eventually crawl out of the water once they've grown.

Stock the pond with native aquatic plants that rise above the surface, giving the larvae a place to rest and hide in the roots, and the young adults a place to rest out of the water. Also plant shrubs close by to encourage the adults to stick around.

Surround the pond with flat, light-colored rocks. Some dragonflies like to land on flat rocks to sun themselves.

One quick note: You may have heard that bats and purple martins also are handy to have around because they eat mosquitoes. But researchers say those are fallacies. Bats prefer other insects, with mosquitoes making up less than one percent of their diet. Purple martins are partial to dragonflies.

Mosquito spraying and other forms of attack

Now that you've turned your yard downright unfriendly toward mosquitoes, it's time to take a little more aggressive action. Again, you'll need to use a combination of tactics.

One of those involves insecticide.

You can kill mosquito larvae in standing water with a product like Mosquito Bits, which contains the Bacillus thuringiensis israeliensis bacteria, the most effective larvacide, or you can apply a larvacidal oil to the water's surface to keep the larvae from breathing.

Adults are susceptible to foggers and mosquito spray.

Foggers heat insecticide and release it into the yard in low volumes, killing mosquitoes on contact, but the fog, and its effectiveness, wear off within a few hours. A mosquito spray, such as permethrin or bifenthrin, lasts a little longer and can be used to coat areas where mosquitoes like to rest.

Spray the grass, trees, bushes, wooden fences and walls of the house, then let it dry. The poison, a synthetic version of the insecticide produced by the chrysanthemum plant, kills mosquitoes on contact by attacking their nervous systems.

You can find larvacides, foggers and sprays in most hardware and home improvement stores.

Believe it or not, you are still going to have mosquitoes, even after all of this. Different tricks work with different species, and there could be tens of thousands of mosquitoes from a dozen or more species flying around your neighborhood.

To add the next layer of protection, replace the regular lights bulbs in your outside lights with yellow bulbs, which attract significantly fewer insects. Then, put a mosquito trap in your yard, away from the deck, patio or anywhere you normally spend time.

Mosquito traps mimic the attractants that draw female mosquitoes to feed on human bodies. They release carbon dioxide and Octenol, found in exhaled breath and sweat, and they emit heat and light in ranges designed to stimulate the mosquitoes.

The traps can lure mosquitoes from more than 100 feet away, then sweep them through a fan into a container where they die. While you sit comfortably, the mosquitoes are tricked away from you to another corner of the yard and quietly disposed of by your trap.

Within about two months of running the trap, you can expect to see significant reductions in the local mosquito population, as female after female is drawn in and dies without laying more eggs.

And that's it. You have implemented a thorough, comprehensive program of home mosquito control. Now put on a little mosquito repellent with DEET - you can't be too careful - and go enjoy a nice summer evening outdoors.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Preparing to Travel Overseas and Exotic Far Away Locations

No matter where we are located, there is still a chance of getting sick. Nevertheless, it becomes more difficult for the individual when it happens outside of his or her comfort zone. Depending on the area, country, or region some individuals can become more prone to illness because of the stress of the new environment or climate. Being prepared and protected can lessen the chances of being in this unpleasant situation.

The first step is to bring an emergency first aid kit to your new destination and while in the mode of transport. It's easy to put together one or if not readily available first aid kits can be bought from stores. Prescription medication should be brought in ample amounts and must be accessible to the person needing them. The doctor's prescription itself must also be brought in case more medication needs to be purchased. Syringes and other medical apparatus should have corresponding doctor's certificates proving the necessity of their use. This might be a requirement in some foreign countries.

Getting travel insurance is a practical move. The extra cost for coverage is reasonable given that hospitalization fees or treatment can be more expensive abroad. People who plan to travel to developing countries must consult their doctors at least four weeks prior to departure. This will give enough time for immunization requirements. Immunizations are important in helping the body defend itself from harmful microorganisms. Even if most citizens have already received their fair share of vaccinations, booster or follow up shots can further strengthen the immune system. An example of this is the yearly flu shot. Some countries and regions compel all visitors to have specific types of vaccines. In South America and sub-Saharan Africa, for instance, it is mandatory to have yellow fever vaccination upon entry. The government will request for proof of immunization. A travel medicine professional can provide the update requirements for countries and will give advice on how to take caution against common diseases found in your destination.

Parasites carried by mosquitoes cause malaria. These insects are often present in tropical countries. Complications in the liver, lungs and kidneys can occur when it is left untreated. Symptoms of malaria include abdominal pain, fever, chills, weakness, diarrhea, muscle aches, cough, and vomiting. Organ failure can soon follow after these symptoms. Any person who has a fever after being in a malaria-endemic region must go to a doctor immediately. One symptom or a combination of these can be felt within two months of the mosquito bite. Prevent bites by avoiding all outdoor activities at night. Wear pants, long-sleeved shirts and apply DEET insect repellent. Use mosquito nets when sleeping at night.

Traveler's diarrhea affects travelers who visit developing countries and other tourist destinations. It is categorized as the most common illness afflicting visitors and is caused by infectious bacteria, virus or parasite when contaminated food or drink is taken in. Avoid raw food and only eat fruits that can be easily cleaned like berries or grapes. Food sold by street vendors should also be avoided.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Arial Black Company {ABC} - ApresentaĆ§Ć£o na Jiefem 2010

Grupo Arial Black Company {ABC} Apresentando na abertura da jiefem de UruaƧu Goias - Abertura dos jogos - Fico meio sem coreografia mais danƧamos mais para a mostrar a todos a nova danƧa que esta mudando a cabeƧa dos jovens. COMUNIDADE:

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Monday, October 25, 2010

John Gillespie Talks Coleman Repellents SkinSmart

Outdoor Expert John Gillespie talks about a fantastic new product innovation, SkinSmart, a DEET-Free insect repellent by Coleman Repellents.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ray Scott endorses NutriShield Natural Insect Repellent

Nutri Shield Natural Insect Repellent is 100% deet free. Endorses by America's Outdoor Icon, Ray Scott.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Foreclosure Cleanup Business - How to Effectively Fight Mosquitoes at the Worksite

Take mosquito spray to your foreclosure cleanup job site for you and your workers. I was at a worksite recently and got over ten bites within a few minutes! There was standing water about the house and in the crawl space.

I'm a "Caribbean gypsy" and have experienced the worst of insects in the tropics, but I'd never experienced anything like this. This property was a feeding frenzy. (Female mosquitoes are the culprits in biting because they need blood to lay eggs to create more mosquitoes.)

Which Brand of Mosquito Spray?

The OFF! (Deep Woods) brand is a very good spray. The nozzle sprays long and wide for quick coverage. You'll be out less than $5 bucks in Wal-Mart for a six ounce can. The higher the "deet" content in any brand, the better. Deet is a highly effective insect repellent oil of a slightly yellowish hue. It also protects against numerous tick borne ailments.

Check Out the Active Ingredient Percentages

To find the ideal mosquito spray for your use and for your workers just look at the "Active Ingredient" content on the can and see what percentage of the ingredients is comprised of deet. The OFF! brand is usually 25% deet and 75% "other ingredients." (This is not an endorsement of any kind, just based on my personal experience in the foreclosure cleaning field.)

Effective Garb

You'll want to wear long sleeves, pants, hats, socks, and shoes of course, Try wearing lighter colors, too, because the little buggers love darker hues. The thicker your clothing when working in mosquito-infested areas, the better.

They Love Water!

When you're preparing to work around especially standing water at a foreclosure cleanup worksite, douse yourself in mosquito spray before you get to the property. You'll be glad you did, because these insects gravitate to moist areas for egg-laying and breeding purposes. Also, be prepared to encounter more of them in the early mornings and evening hours.

You Don't Have to Smell Good

Another quick tip: leave the cologne and perfume on the dresser. If you don't, you'll smell great, but you'll be a magnet for the pesky little fellers and will have the welts to prove it.

Read the Precautions

Of course, exercise diligence and make sure you read the mosquito spray precautions before lathering yourself too much. As with most products, there can be side effects and irritants that can outweigh the product benefits.

Good luck fighting off the mosquitoes on your next foreclosure cleaning job, and many wishes of success to you in your foreclosure cleanup business.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to Get Rid of Daddy Long Legs

I. General Facts about Daddy Longlegs

Daddy longlegs/harvestmen (Opiliones) spiders eat a wide variety of foods, including aphids, caterpillars, beetles, flies, mites, small slugs, snails, earthworms, spiders, other harvestmen, decaying plant and animal matter, bird droppings and fungi. When faced with predators (among the most common of which are birds), a daddy longlegs spider releases a stinking odor.

Interestingly, the average daddy longlegs molts every ten days or so. It splits open its body case, or exoskeleton, then takes about twenty minutes to drag its long legs from their old casings.

II. Are Daddy Longlegs Pests?

They're not really pests per se, mainly because their numbers don't usually post a threat to everyday human life, and they're also quite harmless.

In fact, there are even some species of daddy longlegs that are going extinct. Some troglobitic (cave dwelling) Opiliones have now even been considered endangered since their home caves are in or near cities where pollution and development of the land alter the cave habitat. Others species are threatened by the invasion of non-native fire ants.

III. Bites from Daddy Longlegs

You don't need to be afraid of daddy longlegs because they have no venom at all. There have been stories that the harvestman is the most venomous animal in the world. This is not true. Its fangs are actually too small to bite humans and are not dangerous. In fact, none of the known species have venom glands or fangs.

The size of its mouth varies by species, but even those with relatively large jaws hardly ever bite humans or other large creatures, even in self-defense. The few known cases of actual bites did not involve venom and had no lasting effect.

IV. Basic Daddy Longlegs Infestation Control

There are over a hundred daddy longlegs species in North America alone. There's a smaller-bodied, longer-legged form of daddy longlegs, and a larger-bodied, shorter-legged one. The small-bodied, long-legged one is the male, and the other, the female. Regardless of gender, though, this spider can be dealt with using of any of the following:

* Bug Repellant: A substance applied to skin, clothing, or other surfaces that discourages insects (and arthropods in general) from landing or climbing on that surface; something like Off! Lotion, Off! Deep Woods, DEET Insect Repellant and the like.

* Mothballs: Mothballs are small balls of chemical pesticide and deodorant, used when storing clothing and other articles susceptible to damage from mold or moth larvae (especially clothes moths like Tineola bisselliella). If it can work for moths, then it should work just as well for repelling daddy longlegs.

* The Classic Water and Soap Trap: A clean, dust-free environment means disturbed habitat for the harvestmen. Many homeowners use a nylon stocking over a broom head to remove both the harvestmen and their webs.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Insidermedicine in 60 - May 27, 2008

From Atlanta - Avian flu viruses of the H7 subtype have adapted, at least partially, to more easily invade the human respiratory tract. Scientists examining cases of human infection found that the H7N2 type bound more easily to receptors in the lining of the human respiratory tract, and decreased binding to the receptor cells in birds. While symptoms of H7 viruses have typically been mild, scientists continue to urge the development of vaccines for this subtype. From Orlando - Men aged 75 to 80 with PSA levels lower than 3 ng/mL can safely discontinue routine prostate cancer screening. In a study of over 800 patients, researchers found that those who died of prostate cancer or had high-risk disease had PSA values exceeding 3 ng/mL. Meanwhile, none of those who were cancer free or had low-risk prostate cancer had PSA levels exceeding this value. And finally, from Gainesville - A new generation of mosquito repellents appear to be more effective than DEET, the chemical long considered the gold standard of repellents. Researchers studied a class of chemicals called N-acylpiperidines, which are related to the active ingredient in pepper, and found that some were effective for up to 73 days. DEET, which is presently available in liquids, lotions and sprays, only lasts 17.5 days on average. For Insidermedicine in 60, I'm Dr. Susan Sharma.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Insect Defend Patch - Watch our product presentation video The Insect DEFEND Patch is 100% DEET free, safe and natural. The thiamine-based formulation of DEFEND works with the body's own chemistry to create an invisible protective "barrier" that shields the user from mosquitoes and other biting insects. The DEFEND Patch contains no pesticides (like DEET) and is totally safe for use on children as young as one year!.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

A sweet voice for Absolute Green

The youngest face of Absolute Green! A friends kid steps in for Karen Halo to share her explanation of uses for Absolute Green's products.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Rest Break

When the Road Show needs a break from the road, we like to stop at a friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart. Its always a great place to connect with fellow campers. Here we are at a Wal-Mart in Hays, Kansas hanging out with fellow brothers of the highway. We handed out some free samples of our insect repellents along with other Coleman® goodies. Be sure to stop by your Wal-Mart to pick up Coleman® insect repellents, including our SkinSmart DEET-free product and our 25% DEET repellent.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Herbal Medicine Chest in Your Backyard

What could be easier than growing an herb garden with no effort? Of course, you'll have to harvest your weeds, but you would do that anyhow: it's called weeding.

Spring is an especially fertile time for harvesting your weeds - roots and all - and turning them into medicines. Here then are some tips on how to find, harvest, prepare, and use a baker's dozen (13) of common weeds that probably already grow around you.

To make your medicines you'll need glass jars of various sizes with tight-fitting lids. And at least a pint each of apple cider vinegar (pasteurized), vodka (100 proof is best, but 80 proof will do), and pure olive oil (not extra virgin) or good quality animal fat such as lanolin, lard, or belly fat from a lamb or kid. You will also want a knife, a cutting board, and some rags to mop up spills.

In general, you will fill a jar (of any size) with coarsely-chopped fresh, but dry, plant material. (Do not wash any part of the plant except roots, if you are using them, and be sure to dry those well with a towel before putting them in your jar.) Then you will fill the jar with your menstruum, that is the vinegar, the oil, or the alcohol. Label well and allow to stand at room temperature, out of the sunlight for at least six weeks before decanting and using. (See my book Healing Wise for more specific information on making preparations.)

A field guide is helpful for positively identifying your weeds. The one I like best is: A Guide to the Identification of New Zealand Common Weeds in Colour, complied by E. A. Upritchard. (Available from the New Zealand Weed And Pest Control Society, P.O. Box 1654, Palmerston North) This book even shows you how the weeds look when they are emerging.

Ready? OK! Let's go outside with a plant id guide or experienced herbalist and see what we can find.

Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa pastoris) is an annual in the mustard family. Cut the top half of the plant when it has formed its little heart-shaped "purses" (seed pods) and make a tincture (with alcohol), which you can use to stop bleeding. Midwives and women who bleed heavily during their period praise its prompt effectiveness. Gypsies claim it works on the stomach and lungs as well. A dose is 1 dropperful (1ml); which may be repeated up to four times a day.

Cleavers (Gallium aparine) is a persistent, sticky plant which grows profusely in abandoned lots and the edges of cultivated land. The entire plant is used to strengthen lymphatic activity. I cut the top two-thirds of each plant while it is in flower (or setting seeds) and use alcohol to make a tincture which relieves tender, swollen breasts, PMS symptoms, and allergic reactions. A dose is 15-25 drops (.5 - 1 ml); repeated as needed.

Chickweed (Stellaria media) has many uses, including delicious salad greens. I cut the entire top of the plant and eat it or use alcohol to make a tincture, which dissolves cysts, tonifies the thyroid, and aids in weight loss. A dose is a dropperful (1 ml), up to three times a day.

Daisy (Bellis perennis) is a common perennial weed of lawns and open areas. Quite different from the native daisy (Lagenifera petiolata), the little English daisy is related to feverfew and has similar abilities. I use the leaves and flowers to make a tincture (with alcohol) or a medicinal vinegar which relieves headaches, muscle pain, and allergy symptoms. A dose is a dropperful of the tincture (1 ml), up to twice a day; or a tablespoon of the vinegar in the morning.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) is a persistent perennial of lawns and gardens and one of the best known medicinal herbs in the world. (The native dandelion of New Zealand - Taraxacum magellanicum - is medicinal too.) Those who love a pure green lawn curse the sunny yellow flowers of common dandelion. But those who are willing to see beauty anywhere (such as children and herbalists) treasure this weed. You can use any part of the dandelion - the root, the leaves, the flowers, even the flower stalk - to make a tincture or medicinal vinegar which strengthens the liver. A dose of 10-20 drops of the tincture (.5-1 ml) relieves gas, heartburn, and indigestion, as well as promoting healthy bowel movements. A tablespoon of the vinegar works well, too. More importantly, taken before meals, dandelion increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thus increasing bio-availability of many nutrients, especially calcium. The fresh or cooked green leaves are loaded with carotenes, those anti-cancer, anti-heart disease helpers. And the oil of the flowers is an important massage balm for maintaining healthy breasts. (There's lots more information on dandelions in Healing Wise.)

Dock, also called yellow dock, curly dock, and broad dock is a perennial plant, which my Native American grandmothers use for "all women's problems." The Maori call it paewhenua or runa. It is another plant that disagrees with sheep, especially when the land is overgrazed. I dig the yellow roots of Rumex crispus or R. obtusifolius and tincture them in alcohol to use as an ally when the immune system or the liver needs help. A dose is 15-25 drops (.5-1 ml). I also harvest the leaves and/or seeds throughout the growing season and make a medicinal vinegar, taken a tablespoon at a time, which is used to increase blood-levels of iron, reduce menstrual flooding and cramping, and balance hormone levels. If the chopped roots are soaked in oil for six weeks, the resulting ointment is beneficial for keeping the breasts healthy.

Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) and Ragwort (Senecio jacobea) are hardy perennials that have a reputation for poisoning livestock, like their cousin tansy. Although not good for sheep, these two Senecios are some of the world's most ancient healing plants, having been found in a grave 60,000 years old. You can use the flowering tops and leaves with your alcohol to make a tincture which acts slowly to tonify the reproductive organs, ease PMS, and stop severe menstrual pain. A dose is 5-10 drops (.2-.5 ml) per day, used only once a day, but for at least 3 months. (A larger dose is used to speed up labor.)

Mallows (Malva neglecta, M. parviflora, M. sylvestres) grow well in neglected gardens and are surprisingly deep-rooted. The flowers, leaves, stalks, seeds, and roots are rich in sticky mucilage which is best extracted by soaking the fresh plant in cold water overnight or longer or by making a medicinal vinegar. The starch is extraordinarily soothing internally (easing sore throats, upset tummies, heart burn, irritable bowel, colic, constipation, and food poisoning) and externally (relieving bug bites, burns, sprains, and sore eyes). The leaves, flowers, and bark (especially) of the native Hohere (Hoheria populnea) are used in exactly the same way by Maori herbalists.

Plantain, also called ribwort, pig's ear, and the bandaid plant is a common weed of lawns, driveways, parks, and playgrounds. Identify it by the five parallel veins running the length of each leaf. You may find broad leaf plantain (Plantago major) with wide leaves, or narrow leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata) with lance-thin leaves. Either can be used to make a healing poultice or a soothing oil widely regarded as one of the best wound healers around. Not only does plantain increase the speed of healing, it also relieves pain, stops bleeding, draws out foreign matter, stops itching, prevents and stops allergic reactions from bee stings, kills bacteria, and reduces swelling.

Try a poultice or a generous application of plantain oil or ointment (made by thickening the oil with beeswax) on sprains, cuts, insect bites, rashes, chafed skin, boils, bruises, chapped and cracked lips, rough or sore hands, baby's diaper area, and burns.

To make a fresh plantain poultice: Pick a leaf, chew it well and put it on the boo-boo. "Like magic" the pain, itching, and swelling disappear, fast! (Yes, you can dry plantain leaves and carry them in your first aid kit. Chew like you would fresh leaves.)

To make plantain ointment: Pick large fresh plantain leaves. Chop coarsely. Fill a clean, dry, glass jar with the chopped leaves. Pour pure olive oil into the leaves, poking about with a chopstick until the jar is completely full of oil and all air bubbles are released. Cap well. Place jar in a small bowl to collect any overflow. Wait six weeks. Then strain oil out of the plant material, squeezing well. Measure the oil. Heat it gently, adding one tablespoon of grated beeswax for every liquid ounce of oil. Pour into jars and allow to cool.

St. Joan's/John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) This beautiful perennial wildflower may be hated by sheep farmers but herbalists adore it. The flowering tops are harvested after they begin to bloom (traditionally on Solstice, June 21) and prepared with alcohol, and with oil, to make two of the most useful remedies in my first aid kit. Tincture of St. Joan's wort not only lends one a sunny disposition, it reliably relieves muscle aches, is a powerful anti-viral, and is my first-choice treatment for those with shingles, sciatica, backpain, neuralgia, and headaches including migraines. The usual dose is 1 dropperful (1 ml) as frequently as needed. In extreme pain from a muscle spasm in my thigh, I used a dropperful every twenty minutes for two hours, or until the pain totally subsided. St. Joan's wort oil stops cold sores in their tracks and can even relieve genital herpes symptoms. I use it as a sunscreen. Contrary to popular belief, St. Joan's wort does not cause sun sensitivity; it prevents it. It even prevents burns from radiation therapy. Eases sore muscles, too.

Self heal (Prunella vulgaris) This scentless perennial mint is one of the great unsung healers of the world. The leaves and flowers contain more antioxidants - which prevent cancer and heart disease, among other healthy traits - than any other plant tested. And as part of the mint family, self heal is imbued with lots of minerals, especially calcium, making it an especially important ally for pregnant, nursing, menopausal, and post-menopausal women. I put self heal leaves in salads in the spring and fall, make a medicinal vinegar with the flowers during the summer, and cook the flowering tops (fresh or dried) in winter soups.

Usnea (Usnea barbata) is that many-stranded grey lichen hanging out of the branches of your apple trees or the Monterey pines planted in the plantation over there or in almost any native tree in areas of the South Island Alps, where it is known as angiangi to the Maori. If in doubt of your identification: Pull a strand gently apart with your hands, looking for a white fiber inside the fuzzy grey-green outer coat. To prepare usnea, harvest at any time of the year, being careful not to take too much. Usnea grows slowly. Put your harvest in a cooking pan and just cover it with cold water. Boil for about 15-25 minutes, or until the water is orange and reduced by at least half. Pour usnea and water into a jar, filling it to the top with plant material. (Water should be no more than half of the jar.) Add the highest proof alcohol you can buy. After 6 weeks this tincture is ready to work for you as a superb antibacterial, countering infection anywhere in the body. A dose is a dropperful (1 ml) as frequently as every two hours in acute situations.

Yarrow (Achellia millefolium) This lovely perennial weed is grown in many herb gardens for it has a multitude of uses. Cut the flowering tops (use only white-flowering yarrow) and use your alcohol to make a strongly-scented tincture that you can take internally to prevent colds and the flu. (A dose is 10-20 drops, or up to 1 ml). I carry a little spray bottle of yarrow tincture with me when I'm outside and wet my skin every hour or so. A United States Army study showed yarrow tincture to be more effective than DEET at repelling ticks, mosquitoes, and sand flies. You can also make a healing ointment with yarrow flower tops and your oil or fat. Yarrow oil is antibacterial, pain-relieving, and incredibly helpful in healing all types of wounds.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Natural DEET Free Bug Repellent Spray Non Toxic Insect Protection

Protect your family from bug bites with CedarCides 100% all natural DEET free bug repellent spray. A safe and effective cedar oil based bug repellent spray that provides Insect protection for people of all ages without toxic chemicals.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Anti Mosqutio Pro - Sonic Insect Repeller for iPhone

ITUNES LINK: ______ WEBSITE: ______ Did you know only female mosquitoes bite? Did you also know mosquitoes and similar small insects stay away from certain sonic frequencies? Sonic Insect Repeller will turn your iPhone/iPod Touch into an insect deflector that is effective, chemical-free and safe to use around children and pets! FEATURES: - Two male mosquito frequencies - One dragonfly sound The sonic technology behind the Sonic Insect Repeller will help reduce activities of female mosquitoes and similar small insects.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sunscreens and Insect Repellents - What You Put on Your Skin, You Eat!

What our skin and our bodies come into contact with in today's squeaky-clean living is overwhelming. In fact, it is toxic bombardment. There is a hygienic or cleansing product for every part of our body and for every surface and item in your home, office and car. Toxic chemicals abound. We breathe them, lather with them, brush with them and soak in them. We touch them constantly. Without a doubt, we absorb them.

Just what is it we're absorbing? Synthetic fragrances, artificial colors, 'age-accelerating' toxic chemicals and preservatives such as propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, toluene, mineral oil, parabens, imidazolidinyl and diazolidinyl urea and triethanolamine (TEA). These chemicals are known to cause a wide variety of symptoms including eye problems, allergies, skin irritations, headaches, liver, kidney and nervous system damage. And the accumulation just adds to our overall toxic load.

Due to public demand, an entire industry has been built on developing natural cleaning products --everything from non-toxic bathroom cleaners to environmentally friendly dish soaps. Seventh Generation, Planet, and Earth Friendly Products are examples of companies that have put a lot of effort and thought into their great products.


We would be remiss if we didn't comment on sunscreens. It is politically incorrect to advise against using sunscreen, but ah, what the heck. Don't use sunscreen. Unless you use a non-toxic version, commercial sunscreens are full of chemicals and they do absorb through the skin. They are worse than damage from the sun in many ways, and they block the UVB rays which are necessary for producing vitamin D3 in the skin. They also contain xenoestrogens, man made estrogen-like substances, as ingredients.


Use light colored clothing that reflects sun's rays.
Try a natural sunscreen such as Aubrey's Green Tea Sunblock for Children SPF 25 from the health food store.
Try All Terrain's Kids' Sport SPF 30 - PABA and paraben-free, complete UVA and UVB protection, from your health food store.


Bug repellants that contain DEET are very toxic. They can cause severe allergic reactions and lead to unnecessary toxic build-up in the body. Here are other options that you can buy from outdoor stores or your health food store:

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mosquito Ringtone - TeenBuzz it free) By listening to frequency you should be able to determine your age according to many sources. In this video you can listen to 4 frequencies - 8khz, 12khz, 15khz and 17.4khkz and the age group for each shows up as it is playing. Does it work for you? You can download more frequencies in various format for free from http and use them as ringtones on your mobile phone

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Insect Repellents : Picaridin Insect Repellents

Picaridin is a new insect repellent chemical to the US, but has been used in Europe for years to repel bugs. Learn more about picaridin insect repellents with tips from an outdoorsman in this free insect prevention video. Expert: Steve Curtis Bio: Steve Curtis has been involved in outdoor activities his entire life and is a manager in the camping/backpacking department at Bill Jackson's Shop for Adventure in Pinellas Park, Florida. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Simple But Essential Tips For Staying Healthy in Kenya

Bite prevention should be your first line of defence against bite-transmitted diseases, amongst which malaria is probably the most serious. Different insects bite at different times of the day, but you'll need to make sure you're protected round the clock. During the day, use an insect repellent spray with a high concentration of DEET, applying it after sun protection. Keep skin covered with loose fitting, neutral-coloured clothing, especially at dusk. A mosquito net is essential at night, and with the range of sizes and shapes available now, you should have no trouble finding one suitable for your trip. Make sure they are impregnated with insect repellent as an extra layer of protection against biting insects.

The climate in Kenya does vary, but it can become very hot in all parts of the country and don't forget you can burn even if it's cloudy! Depending on how fair you are, chances are you will need a high SPF sun protection lotion. As well as the SPF, also check the UVA star rating on the packaging (you will need at least three for Kenya.) For more sensitive areas such as lips, nose and cheeks, you might consider a highly concentrated sunblock stick. Wear a hat which shades your face and the back of your neck. The sun is at its strongest from 11am to 3pm, so seek shade during those hours.

Fresh water in Kenya, whether you're drinking it or swimming in it, should generally be avoided. Don't drink tap water unless it has been boiled or chemically treated first, and don't take ice cubes in soft drinks unless you know they were made from bottled water.Tempting as it might be, don't eat fresh fruit or vegetables unless they've been peeled or cooked. Finally, avoid swimming, paddling or rafting in fresh water, as several water-borne diseases can infect you this way.

Keeping hydrated isn't hard, but the benefits are manifold. Drinking plenty of bottled water only can help you keep cool during particularly hot hours, stops your skin drying out, and it even aids digestion if you get an upset stomach. Concentrated rehydration sachets are inexpensive and available at most chemists, and are really useful in combating dehydration caused by, for example, diarrhea.

Bringing sunglasses may seem a little obvious, but you need to make sure you have a good-quality pair which will protect your eyes from harmful UVA and UVB rays. Buy a pair with a label specifically stating the level of protection they offer - you'll need 99 to 100% blockage - and make sure they're close fitting to minimise the amount of sunlight reaching your eyes from the sides. It really is worth investing in a good pair, as sunglasses without sufficient UV protection could do more harm than good.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Skin Care for Kids - Slather and Scrub

As the body's largest organ, the role of your skin is to protect your organs on the inside, to keep you warm when you are cold, to cool you off when you are hot, and to keep infections out of your body. It's a big job, thus our skin is worth taking care of.

It's especially important for parents to follow a skin care regimen for kids to protect them from the sun and bugs, as well as to ensure they are properly cleaning and moisturizing their skin. Following are tips on skin care for kids:

Sun Care
Apply sunscreen daily to all children 6 months of age or older. Keep infants out of the sun.

Use a sunscreen designed for kids - one that contains a sun blocker such as titanium oxide or zinc oxide.

Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen for older kids - one that protects against both UVA and UVB rays - with an SPF of 15 or higher.

Apply sunscreen 30 minutes prior to exposure, then re-apply every 2 hours.

Lead by example and be a role model for your kids by applying sunscreen to yourself to teach healthy habits.

Bug Protection
Apply insect repellent to all children 6 months of age or older.

Use an insect repellent with a child-approved dose of DEET.

If you live in an area with a high concentration of mosquitoes or are planning on visiting such an area, dress or pack appropriately. The best protection is from clothes, like long sleeves, pants, a hat and sunglasses. Extra clothing can also help protect against poison ivy and poison oak.

Bath Time
Use a fragrance-free, hypo-allergenic, soapless cleanser (available at most grocery stores).

Limit your usage of bubble baths and bath products with fragrances and colors as these tend to dry out children's skin.

Avoid scrubs and cleansers with exfoliants. These tend to dry and irritate children's skin.

Apply a hypo-allergenic, fragrance-free moisturizer to your child after every bath or shower.

Use these skin care tips for kids to keep their skin healthy. With the proper protection from sun and bugs and a proper cleansing regimen, their skin will be around to protect them when you're not.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

West Nile protection at it best Skin Armour

Are you protected from the risks of a mosquito bite? If not, it is high time that you do something to get yourself guarded against the dangers posed by mosquitoes. This is particularly the case if you are working or camping outdoors. Skin Armour offers you Skin Armour Deep Woods Outdoor Soap, which gives you excellent protection against mosquitoes. With the help of Skin Armour Deep Woods Outdoor Soap, you can escape from the risks of malaria and West Nile virus. This soap does not contain any chemicals that can be harmful to your body like the deet. You can buy this product from Skinarmour website or from Do it Best and Home Hardware stores.

72hour Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Website Design Common Mistakes

When considering your website design, pay special attention to details that will help make a positive overall user experience. Try to put yourself in your visitor's shoes at all times and design a website that's easy to use and gets straight to the point.

Here are five common website design mistakes to avoid.

1) Leave the splash pages to water parks

Splash pages are those annoying "click here to enter" pages that are sometimes the first page you see when you land on a website. For the most part, they are a pointless aggravation with no purpose other than to show off the overpriced logo that you paid some guy with a black shirt and sideburns to design for your "brand awareness" campaign. Put yourself in your visitor's shoes. The annoyance factor increases with every click as he tries to find what he is looking for. Splash pages are the DEET of website design. They repel visitors.

2) Don't confuse your visitor

A common mistake on many websites is that they overwhelm the visitor with too many choices. A page cluttered with bold links, banners, "important" information and tons of things to click on leave the visitor confused about where to start - so they leave your site and head over to your competitor's less cluttered website. The best website designs have a clear objective in mind and the options available to a visitor should all be in alignment with the website's objective.

3) Don't use "experimental" navigation

Yes, your Flash menu might look cool and make nifty rollover sound effects, but leave those nifty experimental menus alone. You must provide a simple menu system that even a first grader could understand. Javascript cascading menus are okay if they lend themselves to a logical organization of content. In fact, building a menu that can transport a visitor to any page on your site in one click is preferred.

4) White space is good

Don't feel like you have to fill every square inch of screen space with content. The unused "white" space along the vertical edges of your page is actually good form. This white space helps give the reader's eye a break and allows you to draw focus on the important elements on the page.

5) Don't make everything "stand out"

If everything is bold, red and flashing, then nothing stands out. Giving a newbie website designer a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editor with text formatting capabilities is like locking a four year old in his newly painted bedroom with a fresh pack of permanent markers. A colorful mess is virtually guaranteed and will make your site look amateur and confusing. Exercise control with your fonts, font size and color. A well designed web page should use no more than two font types and colors. If you really must make something stand out, use bold OR italics - not both.

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