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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

When bed bugs start to infest your home, your main concern is to get rid of them immediately. This is because you do not want everybody in the household to get affected by the bite. Once you get infested, you will feel the itch and the discomfort. Of course, not to forget that bugs may cause you those dreaded sleepless nights.

Getting rid of these insects is a conscious effort between you and professional service providers of your choice. It starts when you stop it from spreading. Do not wait until such time that these non-winged insects will proliferate in your homes. Better be aware of what you may do about it.

Your role in getting rid of bed bugs

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to check on your homes and the insects that prey on it. Aside from termites causing severe damages to your walls and floors, bugs should also be killed before they spread. In this regard, you should take note of the following:

Infestation check.  Once you suspect that you have bug bites, you have to determine where it started. It is best for you to check your bed's mattress.  Any holes or crack in the walls should be checked as well.

Washing your sheets is important. Once you have seen bugs in your mattress, then you have to remove your sheets - including your pillowcases - and have them washed.  Better yet, have the pillows and mattresses sent off for dry cleaning.  

Clean the room.  Vacuuming will help get rid of these insects in your room. You should not only do this in open areas. You should pay more attention to spaces where these bugs may possibly hide. Although, bed bugs may possibly thrive even in a clean environment, this should not be a reason for you not to get rid of your home's clutter.

Getting help from professionals to free your home from bed bugs

The above-mentioned steps are things you may do on your own.However, the mere thought that bugs have already been affecting your residence should lead you to have your house treated. There are recommended products that are already out in the market. If you have any doubts or questions on how to use them, then feel free to hire an exterminator instead. With a professional, you are sure to get an advice on whether or not your mattress needs replacement.

These are but a few of the tips to consider if you want to get rid of bugs.You do not have to do things on your own because there is someone out there who is willing to help you with your plight. Getting rid of bed bugs should be done with much precaution if you want to make sure that the rest of the household will not feel the itch of the infestation. Do your thing as your hired professionals will do their own share of the load.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Getting Rid of Fleas: Step By Step

Fleas have been bothering people and their pets since the beginning of time. Although not terribly dangerous many animals and people are allergic to their bites, making flea infestations miserable. Here's how to get rid of them.

Allergic Reactions to Flea Bites:

Fleas inject saliva to stop coagulation when they bite. It's this salvia that causes allergic reactions in animals and people. Humans react with dermatitis, skin lesions and mild to severe itching. Try applying ice, menthol, camphor or calamine lotion to your flea bites. Insect repellents that containing thyltoluamide (DEET) will repel fleas and lessen the frequency of bites; use these repellents only on your clothing but never on skin or pets. If you are having serious allergies, a doctor can prescribe you something to help while you get the infestation under control.

There are many dogs and cats that are allergic to fleas and will chew themselves raw. With the advent of so many great flea medicines for animals there is really no need for them to suffer anymore. If your pets have been bitten recently however, your vet can prescribe medication to soothe the itching.

Removing Fleas From People and Pets:

If your pet becomes infested with fleas there are some products that your vet can prescribe. Capstar is a pill that kills all the fleas on your dog or cat within an hour. Frontline, Advantage and other topical medications can also kill the fleas on your pet within hours. When Frontline and Advantage is used monthly it will keep the fleas off of your pets permanently. Treat your poor infested friend for fleas first and then focus on the environment to put a stop to further infestation.

Fleas generally don't like to live on people, but they will visit you long enough for a quick bite. If you've been exposed to an infestation, wash your clothes in hot water with detergent and jump into the shower yourself. The fleas will drown in the soapy water. The next important thing is to remove them from the environment.

Removing Fleas From The Environment:

Fleas end their lives living on a host animal, but your pets are not actually the source of your flea infestation. Your home is. Fleas begin their life as eggs which are laid on the host, but fall off everywhere. The eggs then hatch into larvae that feed off of skin flakes and the dried-blood droppings of adults. Eggs can lay dormant for as long as a year. Killing the fleas is the first step. Getting rid of larvae and eggs is the next critical part of eliminating fleas. Here are the best methods.

Collect anything that cannot be vacuumed and throw it the washer on the hottest setting with laundry detergent. This will kill eggs and larvae. Then vacuum everything. Use the vacuum attachments and get all the corners, crevices and upholstery. Be as thorough as possible. This will get rid of most of the fleas. After vacuuming, remove the vacuum bag, sprinkle flea powder inside, seal it in a plastic bag and throw it in the trash outside. You may also want to have your carpet steam cleaned by a professional to get rid of any eggs or larvae that may be hanging on to your carpets fibers.

Once you get everything mostly flea-free, the best defense against them is to not allow them to remake your home into a stronghold. If you keep your pet on flea medication your house will most likely remain flea-free, but here are some recommended preventative habits to be safe:

Vacuum frequently to keep larvae and eggs from gathering in your carpet.
Wash you pets bedding frequently
Keep you pet current on its flea medication

The above method should keep everything under control. When the remaining larvae hatch, they are likely to jump on your dog and be killed by the medications. If you are still having trouble in your home steam clean or shampoo the carpets in your home as frequently as is needed. If this still isn't enough, it's time to call a professional or speak with your veterinarian who may have some great suggestions!

Popular Flea Control Products:

Talk to your vet when deciding on treatments for your animals and environment. Follow the directions carefully and never give medication that's for a dog to a cat or vice versa. Also keep all medications and flea poisons out of the reach of pets and children.

Sorptive dusts kill fleas by dehydrating them; they absorb their moisture and damage their bodies. These dusts can be applied to carpets before vacuuming when you have an infestation of adults in your carpet.

Pyrethrins is derived from the chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium flower and is one of the least toxic flea control products available. They can be good for environmental control.

Flea collars work by constantly emitting poisonous vapors that kill any fleas on the animals. They work, but not nearly as well as the topical treatments or oral treatments that are available today.

Sprays and powders are not really worth the time and money when there are so many easier and moderately inexpensive methods for killing fleas. Flea dips can be a good choice for larger dogs that are expensive to treat with medications. Again, talk to your vet.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

How to Eliminate Cockroaches From Your Home

Cockroaches survive in dirty humid areas and are commonly found in apartments and dorms. Hiring an expert exterminator is often a good option, but there are steps you can take into your own hands for household pest control. Household bug control might be very difficult when it comes to killing cockroaches, therefore preventative methods ought to be taken before they infest your home.

Follow the common sense methods below for pest control management to avoid an infestation of roaches.

Keep Trashcans, Drains and Counters Clean

Roaches always like to hide in the daytime, and make their appearance during the night time. Frequently spotted in the kitchen, they are attracted to food left out on the kitchen counter, trash receptacles, sinks as well as old filth. Make it a priority to keep all of these places be very clean.

Put Remaining Meals Away to Avoid Cockroach Infestation

Place uneaten meals inside the refrigerator, cabinets or inside the garbage. Dump any waste and clear your kitchen sink of filthy dishes regularly. Run the kitchen sink garbage disposal frequently to remove food residue.

Sprinkling the kitchen sink and the garbage disposal with baking soda gets rid of lingering smells which often appeal to roaches. You can ask the pest exterminators to spray outdoor garbage receptacles during pest elimination visits. In between pest elimination visits, employ organic pest control treatments.

Seal Places that Cockroaches can Enter for Household Pest Control

Roaches frequently come in through places wherever there is moisture, have an exterminator or possibly a handy person investigate regions in the home around all drains, dish washers, toilets, tubs as well as run offs from gutters for access points. Close off all possible areas where a cockroach might be able to enter.

If you do have a pest management company come to your home, request for them to use chemicals outdoors that are not harmful to animals or kids.

In case you are residing in an apartment or dorm, it can be very difficult to permanently get rid of cockroaches mainly because you would need to have confidence in other people's living habits. It is very possible to reduce the occurrence of these annoying pests and keep your apartment or dorm free from roaches. You just have to be persistent in keeping things clean and regularly make use of the above mentioned tips.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pictures Of Termite Damage - Best Way To Educate Yourself On Termites

Pictures On The Web Of Termite Damage

If you have a suspicion that your home has a problem with termites, it would help you to have pictures of termite damage so that you can look for this in your own home. By comparing the pictures to what you see in your home, you will be able to assess your problem and take the necessary steps to eliminate it.

The damage caused by termites to the wood in the structure of your home can be overwhelming. In fact, they can gnaw at the very foundation of the home causing it to weaken and make it unsafe to inhabit. It will also cost an enormous amount of money to repair the damage. You can look for pictures of Termite damage on the Web and the details will be devastating.

Another disconcerting thought is that the pictures that you see on Termite damage can take place in your own home and you are probably totally unaware of it. Any wood structure can be damaged totally by termites - you should be aware that it is not a single termite but hundreds of them known as worker termites - they gnaw through the wood and feed the colony.

Advantages Of Termite Pictures

The pictures that you see on the Web of the damage done by termites and the destruction that they cause can help you to compare them to your own home if you suspect that there is a termite problem that you have to deal with. There is a trail left by these insects when they are attacking a certain area. Looking at the pictures of the devastation caused by termite damage, you can pin it down to your own home. Once this is done, you can call in the experts who will assess the situation and advise you on how to eliminate them.

The pictures that you see on the Web will show you the extent of the damage that these small creatures can create - by destroying the very foundation of your home, you will find that it is extremely unsafe to live in if the problem is not dealt with and allowed to spread. The scary fact is that unless you actually see the pictures and the damage that they cause, you may be blissfully unaware of what is going on in your house. The longer it is neglected the more dangerous it is for you to live there. It is absolutely essential that you view these pictures and educate yourself as to what to look for - once it is established that you have termite infestation, you can consult a professional and take their advice on how to handle the situation and be termite free.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

It Is Tick Time In Texas

The woods and fields in Houston, Dallas and the rest of Texas are beautiful this time of year. But they also harbor a hidden danger -- ticks. Ticks are part of the spider family, with more than 800 species around the world. The three species mentioned here are found in Texas and surrounding states.

Ticks are one of the leading carriers of diseases to humans in the United States, second only to mosquitoes, globally. And like mosquitoes, it's not the bite but the toxins or organisms in the tick's saliva, transmitted through the bite, that causes disease. Ticks are responsible for carrying such diseases as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, babesiosis (Texas fever), ehrlichiosis, and tularemia (also transmitted via rabbits), Colorado tick fever and Powassan (a form of encephalitis).

Lone Star Tick is found primarily in the southern and south central U.S. It is a reddish-brown species and the common hosts include a wide variety of mammals, including humans and ground-feeding birds. The adult female has a distinctive white spot on her back. The male has a white marking around the outside of its back. This species can transmit ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia.

American Dog Tick is found east of the Rocky Mountains, occurs on the Pacific Coast and occasionally in Texas. The dog is the preferred host of the adult tick, although it feeds on many large mammals, including man. The males and females have pale whitish or yellowish markings on the dorsal shield. Males may be only 1/8 inch long, while engorged females may be as much as 1⁄2 inch in length. This species is known to transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia.

Deer Tick, or Black-Legged Tick, is found in the eastern half of the US. Common hosts include deer, livestock and dogs. This species loves to feed on humans in the northeastern US and only occasionally in Texas. The males and females are dark brown in color and have no white markings. Males may be only 1/8 inch long, while engorged females may be as much as 1⁄2 inch in length. This tick species is known to transmit Lyme disease and babesiosis.

In addition to the various diseases you can contract, ticks can cause tick paralysis, a condition which occurs when neurotoxins in the tick saliva induce paralysis of the body and, in extreme cases, can stop you from breathing.

Deer, Lone Star and American Dog ticks fall into the category of hard ticks, which have a tough back plate and have a tendency to attach and feed for hours, even days. Disease transmission usually occurs near the end of a meal, as the tick gorges on your blood.

A tick secretes "cementum" to firmly anchor its head to the host. It may also regurgitate tiny amounts of saliva that contain neurotoxins, which prevent the host from feeling the pain and irritation of the bite. So you may never notice the tick feeding on you.

Tick bites are generally painless. You may not even notice the bite and you may never find the tick, if it falls off. If you've been bitten, you may notice local redness, itching, and burning -- and, occasionally, localized intense pain.

With Deer ticks, you may notice a redness that spreads and eventually becomes clear in the center, forming a ring. This is a good indicator of the beginning of Lyme disease. If any tick has been on you for more that 24 hours, there's a good chance it may have passed something along. Fewer than 24 hours, the probability of passing something on is closer to zero. Regardless of when you've been bitten, you should see a medical professional as soon as you discover the bite.

If you develop any of the following symptoms, a tick may have bitten you:

o Feel as if you have the flu

o Fever

o Numbness

o Rash

o Confusion

o Weakness

o Pain and swelling in joints

o Palpitations

o Shortness of breath

o Nausea and vomiting

How can Texans avoid these little bloodsuckers? Stay out of grassy areas and shrubs during the months of May through September, when ticks may be lying in wait. Wear light-colored clothing so you can spot ticks easily and brush them off. Don't wear shorts or walk in bare feet in these areas. When you wear pants, tuck your cuffs into your boots or socks. You can also apply insect repellant, specifically the brands designed to repel ticks. Avoid use of DEET-containing repellants on children. You may apply some repellants directly to your skin and others to clothing. And finally, if you've visited a wooded or grassy area, promptly check yourself, others and pets for tick infestation.

It's important to take care of yourself, especially when you are outdoors. Ignoring the threat of ticks can certainly affect your health, both in the short and long term. Eventually, it will also affect your wallet as well. If you're a young individual who likes to maintain a healthy condition, you should take a look at the revolutionary, comprehensive and highly affordable individual health insurance solutions created by Precedent specifically for you. For more information, visit us at our website, []. We offer a unique and innovative suite of individual health insurance solutions, including highly competitive HSA-qualified plans and an unparalleled “real-time” application and acceptance experience.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Magnificent Malawi Travel

Often billed as 'the warm heart of Africa', Malawi offers something for all visitors.
One of the most beautiful and laid-back countries in Africa, Malawi is renowned for being a destination for those seeking adventure, leisure or eco-tourism attractions.
Malawi's scenery is gorgeous and varied and Malawians tend to be extremely friendly toward travellers. Nature lovers will adore the national parks and game reserves, mountain hiking and plateau trekking.

Top tips for Malawi Travel

Travel in Malawi

Malawi's road network is reasonably well established, with most major routes tarred. Bus transport is a viable option, with express and luxury coach options available and boat trips are a fond favourite.
For those seeking a more comprehensive African adventure, there are a number of overland tour operators running trips that span various countries, allowing travellers an opportunity to really experience the spirit of Africa and enjoy a variety of experiences.

Social Conventions -

With a large and diverse range of tribal backgrounds among the people of Malawi, it's understandable that many travellers are concerned about matters of accepted behaviour and convention. Fortunately for visitors to this African paradise, Malawian society is well integrated and visitors need not worry too much about social differences.

Greeting Conventions -

Malawians are "hand-shake people". They generally place some importance on the shaking of hands when meeting and greeting. Among some parts of society men practice a special handshake, involving the grasping of the thumb and placing the left hand on the forearm - foreigners should probably not be trying to do this, but if you're there and you see it, you'll know what it's about. Also, women and children might curtsey as a greeting or as a sign of gratitude.

Dress -

Generally, Malawians tend to the side of the conventional in their dress. It's advisable to dress modestly but of course in such a relaxed society there are no hard and fast rules and it's probably better just to dress appropriately for your intended activity; a day at the beach calls for beachwear and a safari trip requires long sleeves and trousers.

Climate and weather

Winter, the dry season, is the best time to visit, and lasts from May to October. June and July are the coldest months with a very comfortable average daytime temperatures 21ºC. The dry season also offers excellent game viewing and hiking opportunities.

The warm, humid rainy season, from November to April, brings hotter temperatures of around the mid-30 ºC range. Rainfall is concentrated on the higher plateaus and some roads become impassable after very heavy rains.


The Malawi Kwacha is the locally used currency. It is freely convertible at a rate of around 137 Kwacha to the US dollar. US dollars are also readily accepted, particularly for larger purchases.

It's also worth noting that the neighbouring Zambia's currency, also called Kwacha, is worth a fraction of the Malawi Kwacha, so travellers need to watch out.

Credit cards are accepted to some extent, but then only the major brands like Visa and MasterCard and then only by the larger hotels or businesses geared specifically towards tourists. In general, it's safer to assume that your card will not be readily accepted.

Traveller's cheques too are not always easily exchanged. Some of the banks, Forex Bureaus and in top-end hotels may do so, but US currency in cash is probably a better option.

Health Precautions

Malawi is a Malaria-risk area. To minimise the risk of mosquito bites, wear light, long sleeved clothing and use an effective insect repellent (those containing Diethyltoluamide DEET work well) on exposed skin.
Sleep under treated mosquito netting or ensure that the doors and windows of your accommodation are screened against mosquitoes. Having a fan or air-conditioner on at night will also curb mosquito activity to some extent.
Currently, the three most effective anti-malaria medications are Mefloquine (Lariam or Mefliam), Doxycycline and Malarone (Malanil). Certain medications may cause side-effects and need to be taken some time before you are exposed to the risk, so consult you doctor or travel health centre well before you intend to depart.

Must-see sights of Malawi

Lilongwe - This, the Malawian capital, is renowned for the Old Town, home to market stalls, quaint cafés and restaurants and the New City, which houses embass offices and shops.

Blantyre - Blantyre, located in the southern part of Malawi, is considered the centre of commerce and industry in the country. Of interest for beer lovers, it is home to the Carlsberg brewery and has a range of restaurants andommodation options.

Lake Malawi - probably the most famous of Malawi's tourist attractions, Lake Malawi is also know as also known as Lake Nyassa and 'Livingstone's Lake' (after famous explorer David Livingstone). It is the most southerly lake in the Great African Rift Valley.
The lake, about 560 km long and with a total area of nearly 30 000km², is bordered by Mozambique, Malawi, and Tanzania and is a source of territorial dispute between Malawi and Tanzania.
Lake Malawi is home to a greater variety of indigenous species of fish than any other lake in the world, making it very popular among scuba divers and snorkellers.
Its peaceful blue waters and stunning golden beaches make for great retreats for those seeking a bit of rest and relaxation. Water sports like kayaking; canoeing, windsailing and water skiing are available for those seeking a more active source of fun.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010